50 appreciation messages to thank you for everything that makes you happy

We have the habit of always valuing the things that other people have, the success they have achieved, the perfect life they appear to have and we want to be like them. But we forget to observe our own life and everything of wonderful that exists in it.

Have you ever wondered to think about everything you have achieved with your own efforts? Have you realized that there are amazing people on your side to face anything? Have you ever thought about how your work makes you happy? This is what really matters and you have to thank and value every day.

Stop looking a little at others and realize that every detail of your life is unique and very special. We have selected a list of appreciation quotes for you to recognize everything that makes you good. Give value to all these things!


It is very common to point out our defects and things that we could improve, but we do not always remember to value our qualities, our achievements and our way of being. Therefore, we have selected quotes to value yourself to inspire you to look with admiration. Value!

Recognize your defects, but never fail to value your virtues.

If you do not value yourself, who will value? If you don’t love yourself, who will love you?

Value yourself. It’s free.

Encourage yourself, believe in yourself and love yourself. Never doubt who you are!

Don’t wait for anyone to come to make you happy. Don’t expect love from anyone. If you love, value yourself, take care of your heart and don’t let anyone invade your soul if you don’t see your essence.

self -love is when you love yourself despite everything and value yourself above all. Practice more.

Do you do a favor. Look at you with love.

If no one values ​​you, value yourself!

Do not expect to get lost to start valuing yourself.

Do you know what is the highest value? The one you give yourself.


If only good things happened in our lives, it would be no fun at all. So enjoy every day with a smile on your face, even if it didn’t come out the way you planned. Check out our list with quotes for valuing life and thank her for her always surprise you.

To value your life is to value everything you love.

You learn to value life when you realize you can lose it.

Do not let for later, value life.

Value every second of your life. We can change all plans, but never time.

Value your health, your family, your friends and loves. Value your life! Thank you more, smile more and complain less.

Love yourself more, value your life and understand that everything that takes away your peace is not worth your effort.

Be kind. Smile frequently. Never stop learning. Value each day.

Value life so that in the end everything has been worth it!

Be sure to be happy tomorrow. Be happy today and value what life offers you in good.

Value the life and riches it has.

Citations of the appreciation of people

Do you know those people you want to be close, to talk and share your moments? They are worth gold! They will always be available to hear you, advise you and welcome you. So value them. See our list with quotes for appreciation of people and take care of those who walk by your side.

Give value to those who have never given up being by your side.

give people value while they are around, because longing will not be reason enough for them to come back.

Value those who continue in your life, even between comings and goings, because today everyone goes by, but almost no one stays.

Who does not learn to value important people, one day looks to the side and sees that he is alone.

Value those who continue in your life even after so many storms. Nowadays, having someone real to count on is rare.

Value who includes you in prayer. Who gives you your hand when everything is confusion. Who asks if it is okay, not just for education but for worry.

values ​​who values ​​you. Because the rest only seeks you when you need.

Value the people who really want to see your smile.

love people and value every moment with them, because that is what makes life worthwhile.

Value who is always close to the simple fact of wanting to be.

Quotations of Love Appreciation

Who really loves you will always do everything to get a smile from you. Even if the gestures of affection seem small, they all show how important you are to that person. Check out our list with love appreciation quotes and note if you have returned all the care you have received.

Value the love of those who want you well and who can see the best in you ever.

When someone said they love you, doubt. When someone proves you who loves you, value.

Value true love. Value who loves you for what you are. Value who loves you in difficult times. Value the love of those who are always willing to be with you and love you!

Give value to those who give you love!

Value who loves you. Embrace very strong while you can. Live every second of your life and never give up being happy!

Only those who know longing values ​​love of truth.

What we like, we keep. Who we love, we take care.

In fame or mud, always value those who love you. Beauty draws attention, but dignity conquers the heart.

Value a “I love you” before it becomes a “I loved you”.

Love needs actions. Show that you care and value who really loves you.

Professional Appreciation Quotes

For a professional to stay motivated to do his job, it is important that he is valued and realize that his whole effort has been worth it. Take a look at our selection of professional appreciation quotes and send to dedicated people who work with you.

If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers.

I recognize your effort, thank you for your professionalism and be proud to work with someone who overcomes day after day.

All my recognition to professionals who, throughout my career, guided me and were great companions.

Our success is the reflection of the determination of each of us. Thank you for everything, team.

My professional success would never be achieved if there were no amazing people by my side transmitting their knowledge. I feel a lot of gratitude for the help.

It is great to be recognized for the work done, as it is in us a sense of accomplishment.

Recognition is something important because it values ​​the effort we make in life.

Thanks to your commitment and commitment our company grew up and new doors opened. Thanks for everything you did.

I’m grateful for having a job I love, but I thank you above all for having a fantastic team that I work tirelessly every day by my side.

There are several professions, all has their value. The work yields a lot when it is done with love.

If you never told your friends how much you value your friendship, the moment is now. We have selected a list of companionship quotes for you to demonstrate gratitude to everyone who is always on your side.

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