50 angry status messages that exude all anger

There’s no way: everyone feels a little angry at one time or another, after all, we’re all human, right? It is at these times of anger that we need to control ourselves not to mention what we should not! For this, the tip is to take a look at these rage quotes for status that bring reflections on this intense feeling.

Anger quotes for status that will help you deal with this bad feeling

Don’t throw anything out the window without first knowing the reason.

Anger is a poison we drink waiting for others to die.

Everything that starts with anger ends up ashamed.

Anger is a wind that erases the lamp of the mind.

To persist in anger is like catching a piece of hot coal with the intention of shooting him.

The look of those who hate is more penetrating than the look of the love.

For the darkness there is only one medicine, the light.

To feel angry is to take revenge on the failures of others in themselves.

With every minute we passed angrily, we lost sixty happy seconds.

Nothing that a man does the aging more than allowing him to take hatred for someone.

I was a child, this monster that adults manufacture with their hurts.

Curses will never go beyond the lips that tend them.

A man is as big as the things that make him angry.

It was not anger. It was a mark of pain.

O anger! The despair! Ó Old Enemy!

relaxes, breathe, if annoying is good for? Surpasses, supports.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred and hatred leads to suffering.

is the ego that makes you, violent, angry, jealous, competitive.

In three parts the human soul is divided: in mind, wisdom and wrath.

It was full of poison, but blessed with beauty and anger.

I’m not angry anymore: I just look, I think and get away.

There are people who are no use sending to hell, because even the devil returns.

I can’t stand moral lessons from those who do not have the slightest moral.

Remember: anger goes by, but what you do when you are angry, no.

The anger you feel does not reach anyone but yourself.

anger makes you deaf and despair makes you blind.

The calm answer deflects fury, but the harsh word awakens the wrath.

Anger changes people and I am living proof of it.

Do not allow anger to dominate its spirit quickly, for the wrath lodges within the fools.

The wisdom of man gives him patience; Your glory is to ignore the offenses.

I am a volcano of feelings and when I explode it is lava everywhere!

Keeping anger turns into hurt and regrets.

Anger is part of life. Keep it or pretend that there is not only the situation worsens.

Learn to extravate your anger, but also know when it gives it.

Wrath consumes only those who feel it and who lives with that person.

Anger is an ego response to the adversities of life.

Never let it be taken by anger to the point of not being able to love and be kind.

Let your anger flourish in something beautiful and light. Learn to transform feelings.

Anger is a response to our actions of others.

Let God applause your anger and make it pure love.

Living irritated only delays your life!

I have a short wick, so I let it go soon.

I can be a person’s love, but when I’m angry, I make myself.

Do not poke with short stick, I am the jaguar in the case.

If you don’t know how to deal with angry people, then don’t tease me.

Better to think well before speaking, for nothing worse than words made in the moments of anger.

I’m really warm, I didn’t like it, it doesn’t cause it.

wanted to be a less annoyed person, but others do not collaborate.

Stupidity generates anger and vice versa.

Brazil makes me angry in credit, debit, sight, installment …

got lighter after reading these messages? Keep taking a deep breath and calm your mind with these Zen quotes!

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