46 drunk messages for those who trip but don’t fall

Have you ever wondered what kind of drunk are you? There are those who talk nonstop already on the second can, those who get sleepy and sleep in every roll, those who don’t get tired a minute and can’t stop dancing, the sensitive ones who cry for no reason and those who can be a little of everything this.

The funniest thing is that everything is more fun when we are drunk, because we lose our shame and we can enjoy the moment without worrying about what other people will think. We are not afraid to say what we think, to dance the way we like it and to do what we want. Therefore, we live the best stories of our life.

For you who are always crazy, enjoying life, will identify with our list of drunk quotes and will want to open a can now. Share with your cachaceiros friends and enjoy inviting them to fill your face.

Funny Drunk Quotes

drunk is not ashamed, not afraid and especially there is no lock on the tongue. When alcohol enters, pearls start to leave and it’s hard not to laugh with the things they say. We have selected a list of funny drunk quotes for you to entertain your friends when it is lightly changed.

The drink is the worst enemy of man, but the man who flees his enemies is a coward.

Hangover is the price you pay for something I don’t even remember, but I know it was fun.

It is better to be a drunk known than an anonymous alcoholic.

Avoid hangover, keep drunk!

I only drink in a few circumstances: when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m alone, when I’m accompanied, when I’m hungry and when I’m hungry. Other than that, I don’t even touch the drink. Unless I am thirsty.

If you pass alcohol in your hands you are immune to various bacteria, drinking then you get almost immortal!

When I was a child, I was afraid of drunk. Now I know we don’t hurt anyone.

In drunk land, gel alcohol is pate.

I’m not an alcoholic, I’m drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings, I go to Festas.

Don’t Drink and Drive … You can suddenly go through a ditch and knock down the glass.

If alcoholism is a disease, it should have a medical certificate for hangover.

Drunk Quotes for WhatsApp

In WhatsApp we are free to send whatever we want to our friends. And there is no one better than them to share drunk quotes, as they are the ones who understand the most. Check out our selection with drunk quotes for WhatsApp and send it to your cachaça companions, they will identify!

The drink is only a problem if the glass is empty.

When I’m not drinking, I’m drunk.

Who drinks dies, who does not drink either. So let’s drink.

The important thing is to be happy. The rest we mix with vodka.

The world does not revolve around you … only when you drink too much.

Do not mistreat the drunk, indicate the nearest bar.

Between love and cachaça, I’m drunk.

A real drunk just to fall when you can’t get up anymore.

I drink until I fall… Then I keep drinking lying down, because I am Brazilian and I never give up!

Love does not make people more beautiful. The name of this is alcohol.

I say no to the drink, but she doesn’t listen to me!

I drink little, but this little transforms me into someone else … and this other person drinks to the lot!

I dropped the drink… I just don’t remember where.

Drunk Quotes for Facebook

Those who know you know that no matter the day, time or place, you will always go to take a beer. So, check out our list with drunk quotes for Facebook, share it on your feed and wait for the invitations to fill your face. Your friends will not miss the chance!

Young’s evil is to think you are not drunk and keep drinking.

wanted to be drunk and sad. I’m just sad.

Do you know that time you don’t want to drink anymore? Yeah, I don’t know.

Fruits are good for health, especially when you mix with vodka, ice and make a beat.

I have to stop spending so much money on drink. I need friends who sustain me.

happy those who have drunk stories to tell.

I only drink on two occasions: when it is my birthday and when it is not.

I only drink half of the year: day yes, no.

I drink so much that when I am cremated I will never stop catching fire.

If you go to drink in moderation, I don’t even go.

vodka is bad … when it is missing.

My liver is equal to mother’s heart: it always fits another glass.

Quotes of Drunk Friends

Only those who have a drunk friend know what it is like to have a companion to share the best stories and someone who will do the craziest things with you. I bet someone has come to your head, right? See our selection of quotes from drunk friends and share with your partners all hours!

I prefer to handle drunk friend than passionate friend.

I swore I was going to take it in the drink, but my friends didn’t let it.

A drunk friend is worth more than ten sober and boring friends.

Having friends is going out without money and coming back drunk.

Everyone has a friend who when this drunk calls you just to say he loves you.

Value your friend who is always willing to drink.

Friends bring happiness to your life. Best friends bring beer.

I even try to stop drinking, but it’s every drunk friend I have …

A good friend does not make you drunk alone.

Everyone has a drunk friend. If you don’t have it, it’s probably you.

The craziest moments happen in drunkenness with our friends, do you agree? So we selected our other list of quotes from crazy friends for you to register everything that has already done together. Check it out and share!

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