45 verse messages for women that help strengthen faith

To get closer to God, you must be in constant contact with the Word. How many beautiful things are found in all passages in the Bible, aren’t they? For women of faith, nothing better than a passage that builds their dignity and strengthens their belief! So, check out these beautiful quotes of verses for women!

Citations of verses for women who show all the love of God for these warriors

Protect me as the girl from your eyes; hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Now, my daughter, don’t be afraid; I will do for you everything you ask me. All my fellow citizens know that you are a virtuous woman.

Therefore, each of you also love your wife as yourself, and the wife treat her husband with all due respect.

That women are also worthy, not curse, but sober and faithful in everything.

Strength and dignity are your dresses, and as for tomorrow, you have no worries.

The exemplary woman is the crown of her husband.

The kind woman conquers respect, but cruel men only achieve riches.

How beautiful you are! How do you please me! Oh, love and its delights!

The exemplary woman is the crown of her husband, but that of shameful behavior is like cancer in her bones.

There is no woman similar to the value on the value, in the value, beauty and wisdom of her words.

Your wife will be in your home like a fruitful vineyard. Your children around your table will be like sprouts of olive tree

Houses and riches inherit themselves from their parents, but the prudent wife comes from the Lord.

In you, I will rejoice and jump with pleasure; I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.

Do not move away from the sensible and virtuous woman who was granted to you in the fear of the Lord; for the grace of your modesty is worth more than gold.

The wise woman builds her home, but with her own hands the foolish drops her.

Many women are exemplary, but you all overcome.

You, women, are subject to your own husbands, as suits the Lord.

an exemplary wife; Happy who finds it! It is much more valuable than the rubies.

You are all beautiful, my dear; In you there is no defect.

Your lips drip sweet of honeycombs, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue.

What do we say, therefore, in the face of these things? If God is for us, who will be against us?

Blessed to which he believes, because the words spoken to him will be fulfilled.

Teach me how to do your will, for you are my God; Your spirit is good; Guide me by flat land.

In the Lord, however, the woman is not independent of the man or the man regardless of the woman.

Beauty is misleading, and beauty is fleeting; But the woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

God is! It will not be shaken! God comes to your aid since the morning break.

quickens me, O Lord, because of your name; Because of your righteousness, it takes my soul out of anguish.

About all that should be kept, keep your heart, because it proceeds the sources of life.

Women are also worthy, not slanderous, but sober and reliable in everything.

Women are also worthy, not slanderous, but sober and reliable in everything.

speaks wisely, and the instruction of goodness is in your language.

Who finds a wife finds something good, and reaches the favor of the Lord.

Also you together you are built for God’s abode in spirit.

But in all these things we are more than winners, through the one who loved us.

Mary, but kept all these things and reflect on her heart.

They all were always in prayer, with women, including Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

But God proves His love to us, in which Christ died for us, being we still sinners.

While Jesus said these things, a woman from the crowd exclaimed, “Happy is the woman who gave you to light and breastfed you.”

For you have sustained my right and my cause; You nodded in court, judging precisely.

Because God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and moderation.

In IT I trust; Make me know the way I should follow, because I raise my soul.

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who perish; But for us, who are saved, is the power of God.

It is a gift from God a sensible and silent woman, and nothing compares to a well-educated woman.

Teach me how to do your will, for you are my God; Your spirit is good; Guide me by flat land.

I praise you because you made me specially and admirably. Your works are wonderful! I say this with conviction.

The man of any Christian woman’s life is – and always will be – Jesus! If you like female figures that are faithful to God, then be sure to check out these quotes from Aline Barros and remember the great hits of the gospel singer.

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