45 single messages to show that you are self-sufficient

We need to end this idea that to be happy it is necessary to be in a relationship. It is important to learn to value our own company and not deposit all our happiness in someone, because this person may end up disappointing us.

So start enjoying your single life, whether in the club with friends, or at home watching your favorite movie and spending the day with your family. You can make your own decisions without having to care what someone else will find about them.

Now, check out the amazing selection we have made with happy single quotes to show that the only person you really need in your life is yourself. No more dependent on others to be happy. You are enough, woman!

Happy single quotes to enjoy your own company

To be single is to divide your life with yourself. Enjoy life as you want.

Many people think that being single is synonymous with being unhappy, incomplete, feeling empty inside. Bullshit! I’m single and I’m completely happy!

I love being single. Especially when I remember it is impossible to discuss myself.

Being single is living small novels always, knowing new people all the time, allowing yourself to experiment.

Being single does not mean, not at least for a second, being alone. I’m single, it’s true. But I am a person surrounded by wonderful people.

Do you know what I like to be single? It’s just that I don’t need to warn anyone about what I’m going to do, when and how I will do it.

My happiness does not depend on anyone. I’m whole, I’m single, I’m happy!

Everything I need to be happy lives with myself, inside and right inside my heart.

Being single brought me the certainty of how worth not running after those who never valued me.

I knew freedom, I will never arrest myself.

Once single, single until you die!

single yes, because those who like commitment is schedule.

Being single is better than being in the wrong relationship.

I’m single and I’m happy, I’m smiling for nothing, I’m the way I always wanted.

married life is good, only loses to single!

The more I know men, the more I admire my single life.

let’s drink that I’m single again!

For single life I came back, I can leave that I forget that I loved you.

I am not one person. I don’t like love, I enjoy life flavors aimlessly.

single of cards, loose like rice.

Thank God, I’m better single.

I’m in no hurry, I have no plans, I have no owner.

This arrocha is for you who thought I was here suffering.

Sorry, I’m in the ballad, all beautiful and fragrant, and I’m being disputed, not even calling you!

guides! It is better to live in the spree than to live on illusion.

single life is tanning all year long.

If it was good, it would be called open bar, not relationship.

Today I am free, light and detached.

Who’s single is never alone.

Now I’m single and no one will hold me.

I don’t want anyone with me, I liked the freedom!

When we are single, we live in constant freedom, we choose all the paths we want to follow, without asking for anyone.

Better single than living with people who don’t deserve our love and affection.

Enough of romance, I won’t be suffering. Why be one of one if there are several wanting me?

The best synonym for single is not loneliness or unhappiness, but independence and freedom.

If dating was good, this was empty here.

I’m not anyone, I don’t want anyone, I holidays to my heart.

For romance is off, for ballad is available.

Being single is tastier, has a party all the time and what comes to me is little.

love, I loved to like it, I liked it… but now I don’t even want to free.

I’m so happy single that even with this cold I don’t miss anything but my comforter.

Do you know that silly passionate type? I deleted the game, I’m on the track again.

While some live with love, I’m just sure that for him I don’t die.

Valentine’s Day serves to remind you that being single is priceless.

Being single doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about relationships, but I know enough not to waste my time with anyone.

Now that you know that single life is also wonderful, I bet your days will be even happier. Therefore, we have selected our list with happiness quotes for you to show everyone the joy you are feeling!

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