45 messages to start the conversation with a lot of originality and style

If the first impression is the one that matters, then we should pay close attention to the words. Each has its own style. Some people prefer to be funnier, some more seductive. Therefore, we have selected several quotes to pull subject in the most different ways and styles for you to arrive. Check it out!

Quotes to pull subject with man

Men will not always want to talk about football or video games (although they are also great matters). Check out our list of quotes to pull subject with man and rock:

The day is beautiful today. Do you know some beautiful place in the city to go enjoy the sun?

If it were to choose a video game for you to dwell, which one would you choose?

Sorry, can you check if you have any dirt on my face?

I bet with my friend and she doubted that you accepted to kiss me.

I really liked the clothes you are wearing. Combined a lot with you.

Sorry, I couldn’t help but notice the screen background of your phone. Very beautiful.

I’m in doubt which beer I want to take when I get home.

I’m so tired that I can sleep standing.

Excuse me, did you see the result of yesterday’s game? I couldn’t watch.

cooled the time, right? I ran out of the house and I didn’t even get a coat.

Quotes to pull subject with woman

Obvious conversations, besides being boring, can embarrass people. We selected quotes to pull subject with women for those who want to be innovative and cool, check it out!

I need to buy a gift for my mother, can you help me?

Hello, which of these books do you think better?

I really wanted to watch some series of comedy to be able to discourage. Do you have any to indicate?

Between pizza and hamburger, which would you choose to never eat?

I love this song that is playing.

Do you do skincare? Your skin is so beautiful!

Is the blue I see different from the blue you see?

I loved your hair. He is very beautiful.

Excuse me, I was seeing a picture of my dog ​​and I needed to show someone. Look at this cuteness!

If I guess what is your favorite color, do you spend your phone number?

Has anyone told you that you have an unforgettable smile?

Funny quotes to pull subject

Humor is a great way to start a good conversation. Thinking about it, we select funny quotes for you to pull the subject and be fun to the exact extent, check it out!

If it was for you to be a father, what name would you give to our son?

If the fire extinguisher catches fire, what do we do?

What do you prefer, have the head of the size of a tennis ball or have the width neck of a pencil?

If the colors were like, which one do you think would be sweet and what would be salty?

Do you think it’s video game to play with me?

They say that every 25 people, at least 1 of them has psychopathy disorder. If it were to kick someone in this room, who would you think it is?

I think Adam Sandler is the best actor and it is very unfair that he never won an Oscar.

If you had to play a 5 song playlist to listen to the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

gives me a great agony to think that we are all inside the matrix.

I have a theory that the world is actually inhabited by aliens and they live among us.

Have you ever wondered how funny it would be if everyone was naked inside this room?

You know, when I’m very bored, I try to guess what each people are listening to in the headset.

Quotes to pull subject on WhatsApp

When we talk to someone over the internet, it is very important that we can draw attention. Therefore, we have selected incredible quotes to pull subject on WhatsApp. Come see!

I’m trying to choose a movie here, but I can’t decide. Do you have any suggestions?

Do you have any good cosmetic brand to recommend me?

Do this online test and then send me the result.

Look what a cute photo I just took from my cats.

I found an amazing youtube video. Look here.

I found a blouse here that is your face. I’ll send you the link.

Do you have any good playlist to recommend me?

I saw a meme today that reminded me a lot!

Wow, I just heard a podcast and I’m very puzzled. Want to hear for us to freak out together?

If you could choose just to hear three singers for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

I’m starving. What do you think I should ask for the food app?

Look at this picture that I found another day lost on my cell phone. Miss.

Could you unfold that conversation? See also amazing Crush quotes and chat with your flirting too!

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