45 messages of hope in God to never lose faith

With everyday trials, it is sometimes difficult to maintain faith. But God is always by our side, preparing a path full of good things and victories. And for those complicated moments, the tip is to check out this wonderful selection of citations of hope in God that will help you stay firm in your purposes.

Quotes of hope in God that will comfort your heart

We can never lose hope. God floods us with His grace, if we ask with perseverance.

Put your dreams in the hands of the Lord and trust. He will guide you the right way.

Always keep hope and absolute faith in God. He can do wonders in you, for for God there is no impossible.

God is hope in the midst of the storm.

Because in hope we were saved. Now the hope you see is not hope; For what does anyone see, how do you wait for you? But if we expect what we do not see, with patience we are waiting for you.

by which we also have entrance by faith to this grace, in which we are firm, and we glory in the hope of the glory of God.

Never lose hope of what God will do for you. He will always surprise you.

I will do my best to go on and the impossible God will do to me.

Now, Lord, what I hope? My hope is in you.

I believe in the god of the impossible and that is why I keep the flame of hope always lit.

Is it difficult? Ore! Is it impossible? Wait! It is at this time that God begins to act.

Hope is like this: First you put your foot, then God gives you the dog.

I may lose everything, but if you still have hope in God, I still have a light.

Because we through the Spirit of Faith we await the hope of justice.

I overflow in the love of God and I restore my faith and hope.

Way your way in the eyes of God. So hope will never lack hope.

sustains me according to your word, that you may live, and do not leave me ashamed of my hope.

Our Lord is the purest source of all love, faith and hope we need.

Do not lose hope. God has a plan for your life.

Waiting in God is not an illusion. Illusion is to think that you can live without it.

It may take you, but have hope, God is taking care of what is to be yours.

My hope is in God.

O my soul, wait only in God, because of him comes my hope.

God’s mercy made hope reborn through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In God’s infinite love I found my greatest source of hope.

God has good and new things for you. Put your life in his hands and go!

It is good to have hope, and to silence the salvation of the Lord.

The Lord has plans to give us hope and a future.

that their hope may put in God, and if they did not forget the works of God, but guard their commandments.

every child who is born brings us the message that God has not yet lost hope in men.

When God closes a door He may be opening a window.

God is the light of every day that are reborn. It is the promise of happiness that is always standing in the lives of each of us.

And the God of hope fills you with all the joy and peace in your believer, that you may be rich with hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hope is a seed that God plants in our hearts to tell us: it will work.

To serve God must be the purpose of life. Watch and pray every moment. Mirror in Jesus and spread hope and faith wherever it is.

Because I know the plans I have for you, ‘says the Lord,’ plans to make them prosper and not cause damage, plans to give you hope and a future.

Knowing how to wait is the soul of hope, for whoever waits in God reaches everything.

Now, faith is the certainty of what we expect and proof of things we don’t see.

God never gives up on you. Never give up on him too. Keep faith and hope.

I know what I want, but only God knows what I need.

I am almost faint, waiting for your salvation, but in your word I put my hope.

The Lord trusts his secrets to those who fear him, and leads them to know his covenant.

No obstacle is too big when we trust God.

Have hope and never give up on what you ask God every day.

Wait in God is this: to renounce, sometimes, of small dreams, so that the dreams of Him, infinitely greater, can reach us.

God always has a word of comfort and hope for us. And to continue extolling to the Lord, how about being inspired by someone who has always been faithful to Him? Check out these quotes from St. Francis of Assisi and share to illuminate everyone’s life!

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