45 messages from those who love, care, who value acts of affection

To love is not just to be by the side of those who love themselves in good times. To love is to give attention, to take care, to give affection and the lap in all situations. When the person who loves you needs you, do not hesitate to be by her side. So check out the best quotes of those who love, take care, and show your care!

Quotes of those who love, take care, to pay more attention to the loved one

To love is to be present at all times, especially when people need our care.

Who loves, takes care, not for an obligation, but a affection for the loved one.

In order not to lose those we love, we must take care of them like a delicate rose. It may have your thorns, but the perfume and beauty exceed any regret.

To love is to take care even when we need care. Never get lost for affection.

It is through love that we feel the care of those who are by our side.

I want to take care of you, love you, see you happy and show that life is better when we are together.

Taking care of someone we demonstrate our feelings in a pure and genuine way.

Take care, love, make smile, demonstrate your feelings without wasting time.

Taking care of those we love is not a burden. In fact, there is no greater joy than being able to see them well.

Making you smile is one of the ways I can show my care for you.

When you took care of me, I realized that this is the definition of what true love is.

Making a food, tidying up, taking the weight off my back, is the way I like it when you show me.

It was seeing you make me smile when I was bad I realized how much you loved me.

I will take care of you, I will hear you, help you and be by your side because I love you!

When you took care of me as no one else took care, I realized that you really loved me.

Without care, there is no love. It is necessary to pay attention to the people who are in our hearts.

In the most delicate care, we realize the most overwhelming loves.

Just being here and warming me with your care, I know I live a true love.

In everyday life, I feel that you take care of me and show me how much our love is for real.

To love is to be available to take care of those we love whenever they need us.

To whom we love, we must distribute kindness, love and care. It is the least we can do to repay the happiness we gain.

To love is not just making a vow of love, but proving that they are true when taking care of the loved one.

I can’t see you sad. I just want to take care of you until you see you smiling again. This is my way of loving you.

The most valuable reward we receive is to take care of those we love and receive their affection back.

You are my life and I will always take care of you. Seeing you happy is my goal.

To love is to take care, whether with our hug, our ear or our actions.

To love is to pay attention and really hear what the loved one needs us.

It is no use loving in words and not taking care of gestures. There is no point in liking and not trying to make the other happy.

When the other tries to get the weight off our backs and helps us carry it, he is showing that he loves us.

To love is no effort to make the other feel good. It is taking care until when he does not want to be careful.

When we need care, we just want the loved one to realize without having to say something.

When your care arrived, everything around me was filled with love.

Love suits carefully because one does not exist without the other.

Love is not just beautiful words, it is to show that they have meaning with our care actions.

I love you like this: taking care of you, making you smile, filling you with affection and making you happy.

What I feel for you, shows me that taking care of you, our love and our story is what I always want to do.

can work, but loving is always taking care, even when we are tired.

When the person really likes us, he takes care, he struggles and he is always by our side.

Love is a plant that needs water, sun and care to flourish more beautiful.

In attention, love, care, presence, everything needs to be reciprocal in a relationship.

I will take care of you every day all the time and all the time. You will never doubt my feeling.

Take good care of your love, whoever it is.

Love is a care that you get to get lost.

Because those who love, take care!

When we like it, of course we take care.

To take care of the people you love, you need to learn to put themselves in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. See quotes about empathy and create this feeling in your heart.

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