42 messages about looking to decipher all the secrets behind it

Our look is loaded with meanings and has a huge power. With Him, we can convey all our feelings, passion, anger, jealousy and we don’t even need words to express everything that is in our hearts.

Even when we try to hide something about us, our gaze reveals our truth. Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to what other people tell us by the look.

We select quotes on looking for you to understand how it changes to every situation of our lives. You will start to look at all the eyes around you. Check it out!

Quotes on seductive look

The look is the best weapon of seduction. With him we can make the other person fix their attention in us and we still show our charm. Check out the quotes about seductive look and don’t miss the chance to use it with the crush.

Look and smile. The first seduces and the second disarm.

Perfect smile, innocent heart and a seductive look. It’s an angel without wings, it’s the girl of my dreams.

I hate this look that only you have. Sweet and seductive look. I hate your fate of trying to seduce me. I hate mainly the way you make me laugh. I hate having to hate it all, because the circumstances hold me.

The look seduces, speaks and is corresponded.

Beautiful woman of seductive and full of mysteries, unraveling your secrets would be how to tell the stars of the sky.

Beautiful Woman, Long Hair, Seductive Girl Look.

This seductive look has come to hit my heart!

Quotes about her look

a woman’s gaze says a lot about her. If you pay attention, you will be able to decipher what she is thinking and feeling. The following quotes will make you more attentive to her look!

her gaze is so poetic that she sees poetry in everything.

It is in her eyes that I find strength to continue believing in the magic of love.

her gaze was like a shot and I made a point of taking this shot every day.

Girl Smile, Woman Look. So beautiful is the girl who already knows what she wants.

I can’t tell if it’s your smile that delights me and fascinates me or if it’s your look that dominates and holds me.

won me with your smile, conquered me with your gaze, went crazy with your woman’s body that I can’t stop looking.

her look has a thousand secrets and happy will be the one who unravels only one.

her look is able to stop you to observe the woman she is.

Quotes on Striking Look

A striking look is more engaging than any other part of the body. Here you will find quotes of remarkable look to share with that person who has won you by the look.

She delights and intimidates with her striking look.

The important thing is not to have beautiful eyes, it is to have a striking look.

In every detail of a striking look, I make a record in my heart.

Woman of the striking look, arrested me in this maze from the bottom of your eyes.

Beautiful girl with bright eyes and deep and striking look.

Your smell is irresistible, your hug is exceptional and your look is the most striking.

Quotes on mysterious look

Just as we can say several things for a look, it is also possible to hide our secrets and make everyone curious about what is behind it. See the quotes we selected on mysterious look and use it when it finds it necessary.

There are hurts that are hidden in the silence of a look.

Your gaze brought me peace and warmth, it’s a sweet and mysterious look, it’s a different look, enjoyable to see, that just remembering makes me smile.

This mysterious look enchants me and inspires me. I never tire of admiring you.

In the mystery of the look, the most hidden desires intensity.

She is a woman of delicate poses, discreet smiles and mysterious look.

I am unknown, owner of a mysterious look and intense thoughts.

Your look is like the universe, deep and full of mysteries.


When you are in love, a deep look is a great way to show your love. He can also mean many other things. Check out the quotes we selected on deep look and see the situations in which it fits.

and she keeps in her deep gaze, a whole world impossible to describe.

When a look is deep, the soul is wanting to see what is below.

She has beautiful eyes, a deep look and a beautiful smile on her face.

Your deep look is where I want to lose myself.

Your look is so deep that I drown, so intense that I go crazy.

Sometimes I wonder what your smile that shines on your face is made and makes your deep look more beautiful.

I’m in love with deep looks that translate an infinite silence.

Quotes on Sincere Look

We do not need to keep our feelings only for us. Even when we have no desire to say what we are feeling, a sincere look can show everything within us. We have selected quotes on sincere look for you to understand the strength he has!

My gaze is always the same: sincere, captivating and revealing.

Love is born of a sincere look, grows from a warm conversation and feeds on affection.

A sincere look says everything that the mouth does not have the courage to say.

I change a thousand kisses for a sincere look!

The sincere look and the loose smile of a woman, who even knowing what the world is like, seeks innocence and dreams loud with hope.

For those who know each other deeply, a simple look is enough to express and understand everything that goes in the soul.

Do not try to deny with words what your gaze wants to confess.

Just like the look, the smile also conveys our essence. Check out our list with smile quotes and express all the best in you!

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