41 messages about the path to reflect on the various existing trails

Life is full of choices and decisions that lead us through different ways. In all our existence, we will walk through various trails, change the direction, make curves, go, go back and there is nothing wrong with it. We are changeable beings and we are all the time trying to discover us and meet us.

To make you better reflect on the numerous existing itineraries, we made a selection of quotes on the way. You can find teachings about happiness, walking with God, decision -making, and if there really is a right way. Check it out!

Quotes on Path of Life

Life opens us several ways to follow and introduces us to several people to walk with us. See teachings and quotes on life path to continue following your walk.

The Path of Life is a box of surprises.

Let’s make the interruption a new way, the fall a dancing step, the fear a ladder, the dream a bridge and the look for a meeting!

All paths are the same, lead to nothingness. These are ways that go through the bush. The only question is whether the path has a meaning. If you have it, it’s a good way.

Life is a path of shadows and lights. The important thing is that you know how to vitalize the shadows and enjoy the light.

What counts in life is not the starting point but the walk. Walking and sowing, in the end you will have what to reap.

Coward is one who does not open new ways in life, nor does it employ their strength to face obstacles.

Quotes on God’s Way

Walk can be much lighter when lived with God. He relieves our burden and helps us to follow more smoothly. Check out quotes about God’s Way and learn what it’s like to live with Him by your side.

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; No one comes to the Father but for me.

Religions are different ways converging to the same point. What importance do we do if we follow different ways, since we reach the same goal?

disappointments, defeats and discouragement are tools that God uses to show the road.

God, show me the way. God, don’t let me walk alone.

Remember God in everything you do and He will show you the right way.

God is the shortest way between zero and infinity, both in the direction and the other.

The flame in your heart is the light of your way.

Quotes on the right path

Perhaps one of the biggest doubts we have during life is whether we are walking in the right direction. And does that really exist? Take a look at our right path quotes and draw your own conclusions:

Persistence is the path of success.

The ideals that illuminated my way are goodness, beauty and truth.

If you are on the right track, advance; If you are wrong, retreat.

Losing yourself is also the way.

One thing is that you think you are on the right track, another is to think your way is the only one. We can never judge the lives of others, because each one knows of their own pain and renunciation.

arousing interest and igniting enthusiasm is the right way to easily and successfully teach.

The fair path is always the right way.

Quotes on Path of Happiness

We are always aiming to be happy. And we put it as something distant, almost as impossible. But happiness may be in the process. See quotes on path and happiness and find yours while you are on the walk.

There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

There is no real road to happiness, but different ways. There are those who are happy without anything, while others are unhappy having everything.

There is only one way to happiness: not worrying about things that go beyond the power of our will.

happiness is not in the end, but on the way.

If you have faith, you will think that the path of virtue and happiness is too short.

There is no coming, life happens halfway.

The Path of Happiness still exists: it is a narrow trail in the middle of the sad jungle.

Quotes on Path and Choices

It is our decisions that guide our steps in life. The process of choices is opening paths ahead of us. So see quotes on paths and choices and reflect how the two are deeply linked.

When everything is lost there is always a way, when everything is lost there is always a light …

The devil of this life is that among a hundred ways we have to choose only one, and live with the nineties of the other ninety -nine.

Having to make important decisions should not make us afflicted, because the way is there to be followed and enjoyed. Happiness is in the process and not in the final result.

Choosing which way to go can be difficult, but it is part of the process to achieve your goals.

Even when everything seems to collapse, it is up to me to decide between laugh or cry, go or stay, give up or fight; because I discovered, on the uncertain path of life, that the most important thing is to decide.

When someone finds your way you need to have enough courage to take wrong steps.

The biggest mistake you make when, for fear of deceiving yourself, it misses you to risk your way.

Quotes on flowery paths

Flowers represent the beauties of life. And the path can be much more flowery if we are open and attentive. Check out quotes on flowery paths and learn to appreciate the little things that bring more color to our lives.

May our paths be flowered with happiness, like a beautiful spring!

I lived a long time, and the path of my life is lost in the yellow and dry leaves.

I learned that the thorns placed on my way always had a flowery garden ahead.

That flowery paths are constant in our day and every curve reserve us beautiful surprises.

May you find many hearts in your way of those well flowered and fragrant of love!

If you can’t make your fellow man’s way a flowery garden, at least don’t sow thorns. You will surely return for him.

Art is a flower born in the way of our life and that develops to soften it.

Following a path has a lot to do with the decisions we make, so we have to be prepared to make the best possible choices. So how about giving our selection of decision citations to apply to your life when making choices?

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