40 welcome messages for teachers with a touch of affection and encouragement

One of the most important professions in the world, the teacher is the one who can turn the whole world with just one chalk. After all, it is he who transmits knowledge and education. To welcome these heroes, the suggestion is to read these welcome quotes for teachers and send it to all masters. They will love!

Welcome quotes for teachers who celebrate this important professional

Without you, our school has no shine. Welcome back!

Another school year started and we will walk together. There are many new things to learn and are lucky to have you with us to lead us on this journey. Glad you came!

Education is the first step to a better future. It would not be possible without the help of someone who can guide us along the way. Welcome back, teachers!

It is with this spirit and love for education that we welcome and good a return to all teachers!

Happy the one who transfers what he knows and learns what he teaches. Welcome, teachers!

Welcome, teachers! Educating is sowing wisely and harvesting with patience.

Teaching is the greatest gift a person can have and this you dominate, teacher. Welcome back!

Welcome, teachers! An excellent educator is not a perfect human being, but someone who has the serenity to empty and sensitivity to learn.

Brilliant teachers teach for a profession. Fascinating teachers teach for life. Welcome, teachers!

It is with a lot of claw that teachers teach and never give up on their students! Welcome!

The first phase of knowledge is to love our teachers. Welcome, teachers!

Another school year begins and with it the possibility of learning many things. Lucky for us to have someone like you to teach us! Welcome back, teacher!

This school is not the same without your presence, teacher! What a joy it is to have you back!

An school year is an intense period of learning and knowledge exchange. Your presence is essential to make it happen. Be very welcome, teachers.

I can’t wait to go back to school and welcome my beloved teachers, those who show me how much knowledge can transform life!

How good it is to go back to school and find so many dear teachers and that I love!

A school is not just a physical structure, it is also made of people and teachers are the most important part to make this space a sowing of dreams. Welcome back!

In this school year that begins, I want to welcome all teachers who, with great dedication and affection, exercise the noble mission of teaching.

Our welcome to the most special, dedicated and loving teachers in the world!

A single teacher may not even be able to change the world, but it can make it a little better by changing a person’s world. Welcome back!

teachers, you fill this school with love, affection and much knowledge. May this school year be full of learning. Welcome to all!

Teachers give their students wings so that they can take the biggest flights. Welcome back!

A teacher is a true hero whose superpower is to transform and improve people’s lives. Welcome, teachers!

Our school wishes the most important professionals in the world, responsible for the beginning of all other professions: teachers.

welcome, teachers! May this year be marked by much love, dedication and exchange of knowledge with all students.

It is with great affection that our class welcomes you, teacher! Our gratitude for all commitment to each of us.

We wish to welcome masters who, with only one chalk, can make a revolution.

Teachers are those people who with a simple class are able to transform a person’s worldview. Welcome back!

Thank you, teachers, for never giving up on me, especially when I no longer saw hope. Welcome back!

How good to be able to go back to such a happy school and with such dedicated teachers. To my masters, a good live!

welcome, masters. May this year be fruitful and with much teachings to be passed.

Welcome, teachers! That this year we can learn even more together and build a better world.

Teachers are those who build bridges between school and the world. Welcome!

For sure, your arrival will be a great joy for all of us. We wish the bottom of our hearts!

real heroes do not wear covers, they teach. Welcome, teachers!

Welcome, teachers! Your profession is the only one that makes everyone else possible!

There are no obstacles and lost causes for a teacher! Welcome back!

The influence of good teachers no one can erase. Welcome, masters!

Being a teacher is sowing on always fertile ground and being enchanted by the harvest. Welcome!

Welcome, teachers. You have in your hands the power to make the world in a better environment.

It’s always good to celebrate this important professional! To keep thanking you, be sure to check out these quotes for special teacher.

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