40 retirement messages to enjoy your well-deserved rest

After many years of work, retirement is deserved. After all, it is a reward for so much dedication and effort. If you know someone who is embarking on this new adventure, want a phase of light and joy. Therefore, we have selected the best retirement quotes that recognize your professional career. Check it out and share!

Retirement quotes to wish a happy phase for dear people

Your service time was very important to us. Thank you for dedicating yourself to our company. Your rest in retirement is more than deserved.

I leave here with my heart grateful. It was great to work with you. I grew up a lot and helped me to form who I am. I’ll retire and take you in the heart!

After so many years of dedication, I say goodbye with my heart full of affection. One day you will all retire and feel what I’m feeling.

Retirement is for those who bravely fought all their lives and deserve to enjoy a rest and appreciate everything that has already achieved.

It is not easy to say goodbye to a lifetime of work, but I understand that this is my time to stop and rest, to proceed with old dreams. Thanks for everything!

My sum of experiences will make me enjoy my retirement even more. Thanks to all who lived with me in my professional career.

Today, I say goodbye to you all with a warm heart for knowing you. A new stage starts for me and I hope everyone can live it one day.

I always worked for this moment to come with dignity and I know that I achieved this goal!

I leave here with my heart full for making friends that I will lead for a lifetime. I await the visit at my house in my new retired life!

I will miss you and always remember your teachings. Enjoy your retirement to rest and live!

Without you, the company will be very different. We will miss you, but we know you deserve to retire!

Dear colleague, may your retirement be marked with great happiness and only moments that matter to you!

I want to enjoy this moment to thank for so much dedication in all these years. You are part of who we are. Enjoy your retirement.

Not everyone has the privilege of working for so long and so worthy. Enjoy your retirement and thank you for everything!

All our team greets your trajectory and wishes you a retirement of great rest and joy!

You have accumulated a lot of wisdom in those years and I know you will take you to your retirement!

A brilliant career like this deserves the best retirement in the world. Enjoy your days of peace, quiet and new hobbies!

I’m retired and now my only concern is my rest!

A whole work life must be rewarded with a retirement full of what you like. Enjoy!

I reached my work goal: I retired. Thanks to all who were part of this walk!

My career was marked by people who learned with me. It’s a challenge to be a teacher, but it’s worth it. Now, I get my chalk and I will enjoy my rest!

Without teachers, no profession would exist. You deserve rest after teaching us all. Have a great retirement, teacher!

You are an example for all of us and we want to be a little more like you. We will miss you!

I’m happy because you will retire and finally rest, because if there is someone dedicated to work, this is you!

You were a master for all of us, teacher. Your teachings will always be in my heart. Your retirement is a very deserved achievement.

Happy Retirement! Enjoy this new phase of your open heart life because you deserve it.

Enjoy your free time, your hobbies and discover things that make you happier and more excited. Have a great retirement!

You had many years of exemplary work. We will miss you, but we understand it is your time to stop. Have a happy retirement!

I retired, now what matters is doing what makes me excited and motivated. I will make my free time worth it. Thank you for all the time I could learn in this company! They will still hear my news. We can’t stop!

Mondays are no longer a problem. Now I’m retired and every day is rest day!

The time to retire comes to everyone and this is your time. Thank you for so many years of dedication. Rest comes as a crown of all this successful trajectory! Your contribution was critical to our growth as a company!

Now you will retire and live the deserved rest of an impeccable professional trajectory. Enjoy!

I wish a retirement full of joys, peace, love and much rest. You are an example for all of us!

When the person is excellent in what he does, he is never forgotten. Thanks for your work and wish a new phase beautiful and full of joy!

The value of your work is being recognized because you can finally rest. Have a very happy retirement!

Retirement is recognition and you deserve them all. Enjoy!

To retire is to reap the fruits of years of work and dedication. Collect everything you planted and be very happy!

Now that you will stop working, take the moment to enjoy and relax. Enjoy your free time, invest in your hobbies, have fun with friends and live the best moments with your family. Happy Retirement!

Dear colleague, that the retirement of which he will enjoy, take you the most full of happiness.

Today begins a new phase in your life and you will have time to enjoy everything you want. Have a great retirement!

When you want, come visit us. You will always be very welcome and we will be happy to receive it. We wish you to make the most of your retirement, and best wishes to your life!

retired is the one who deserves to look quietly everything that helped build throughout life: children, grandchildren, houses, squares, parks, avenues, churches, companies, benches, roads.

I’m retiring, but we can still find ourselves and enjoy life. Thanks for everything, guys!

Congratulations to the newest retired! All your experience has led us to learn more from you, so on this special date. You deserve our recognition.

You are the first of us who retire and we are very proud of you. Enjoy this new phase with a lot of peace!

May this new phase be very happy and that you enjoy a lot. To say goodbye to the people who worked with you, see our farewell quotes.

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