40 affectionate messages for a friend that will move her

A friendship becomes even stronger when you show how important your friend is in your life and how you make it even happier.

Therefore, we have listed several quotes of affection to friend who will help you in this super -special mission to demonstrate your feelings and exalt how special and unique your friend is. Check it out!

Citations of affection for friend who will exalt her qualities

friend, you have no idea how special it is for me.

Even far away, I feel so close … Your friendship is one of the few I want to take to my whole life.

You are not just my friend, you are my shoulder, my support, my certainty and my lap.

Thank you for being my sister of another mother!

she is my soul mate, only as a friend.

Who discovers true friendship, meets a treasure.

friend, you are the family I chose for all my life.

friend, in the greatest crazy and in the best moments you were there.

Your friendship is like a treasure for me.

You are a very special friend for me and since it is part of my life everything has changed for the better.

friends make laughs higher, hottest conversations and happier life.

Thank you for being such a singular friend.

Our friendship may have several commas, but never an end point!

Friend, you are the most certain of the uncertain hours.

Our connection is another world thing, no one understands. Friend as you are rarity and I will take care of this friendship with affection.

Your hug is my protection and your advice is my inspiration.

Who has a friend, has everything. There is with whom you laugh, you have to cry, you have to run away.

Our friendship is proof that life is a constant gift! We are the best friends and it fills me with trusting to win all that deserves my fight.

Real friend is the one who is on your side when the whole world turns your back.

She is my best friend. Break her heart that I break your teeth.

You were my friend even before I considered the idea of ​​trusting you my secrets, was by my side at all times. So, among all the people in the world, I would never give up on you.

friend, make your dreams the light that illuminates your way and guides your steps.

Whenever I feel alone I remember that I have the best friend of this world.

She is not the best friend in the world, she is my world for being my best friend.

friend, you are one of the best gifts life gave me.

friend, I’ll never let you fall, but if this happens, I’ll be down there, ready to hold you.

It was God who chose you to be the best friend I could have.

friend, thank you for your friendship. I will never leave you!

We become best friends, sisters and confidants, who even being away, we are always present in each other’s life and heart.

and in the middle of all that despair you were there holding my hand and making me understand the importance of having a friend.

Real friend doesn’t support: Participate!

My friend is my safe haven, my ray of sunshine. If I haven’t given up everything yet it was for her. For her I fight. For her it is worth fighting.

friend, you are far away and we can’t always see each other. But know that my friendship and love for you remain independent of anything.

A true friend is the one who enters when all the others go.

special friends are rare and sometimes take time to emerge, but when they flourish in our lives, they make us forget all the moments of loneliness.

friend, I’m here. I’m with you. We are together.

You are much more than friend, you are an angel you sent me!

Better than having a friend like you, is knowing that our friendship is eternal and that I can count on her at all times.

special friend, heart, soul, everything. You are fundamental, my ally and companion, and because it is so much for me and make me so well, I always want you close, always smiling, always happy.

You are that friend who will always be in my heart.

Take the opportunity to check out our photo subtitles with best friend and make the photo with your “best” even more special!

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