40 new life messages for those looking for a new lease of life

It is often necessary to leave the past behind and give start in new experiences, phases, chances, that is, in a new life.

Therefore, check out new life quotes that will give you great reasons to start over and enjoy everything the future reserves you. Choose your favorite phrase, share and tell this news to your friends!

New Life Quotes that prove it is never too late to start over

Today I start a new phase. A new life where the main goal is to take care of me!

What’s left behind is a thing of the past and what matters now is to look forward and make the most of the new life and the future that will come.

With courage, at every moment comes a new chance to live a new life!

For each error, a fresh start. For each discovery, a wisdom. For each end, a new life.

There is always a way out, a new chance, a new life. There is always a fresh start after a loss.

Changes in small daily habits can be what we need for a renewal in our lives.

Imagine a new story for your life and believe it.

What happened, passed. Today I want to start from scratch and live like the first day of my life.

Forget what didn’t work out… God is already giving you a new page for you to write your life!

When you least expect you you will find an opportunity to start a new life.

It’s never too late to start a new life and if you tell you otherwise you will be lying or jealous!

Life is a gift from God and marriage is the beginning of a new life.

The good of storms is that when they end up give us a chance to start a new life.

I need a new life elsewhere, where hope is not over and dreams never stop shining.

I believe in heart that everything in this life is renewed. Everything starts over, everything is reborn, everything advances. I believe in good and force majeure that moves us. I believe on days of peace and that happiness happens when we put ourselves in favor of all good, in everything and for all.

and may new smiles, new stories and new people come.

Living is movement, action, it is exchange, it is life that goes and new life that comes-let it come in and be part of you!

It is not enough to want a new life, you need to start living it today!

There is a new universe of life for those who seek sincere and continuous communion with God.

It seemed that time never passed. But passed. Time always goes by, this is the only certainty we have. Apart from death, of course. But today I don’t want to think about death. I want to think is in life. In my new life.

This is life… In a moment the page turns, the scenario changes. New winds, new breeze, new air, new seas.

Turning the page can be difficult, but only then will a new chapter in your life begin.

God gives us every day a new life page in the book of time. What we put in it, run on our own.

A simple change of attitude will make you find new directions in your life.

But now it’s new life and what no longer serves to play outside.

Many want a new life, but do not see that for it they need to renew themselves.

Many men started a new era in their life from reading a book.

You make a new life making new choices.

To love is to start a new life with open arms for happiness.

I want to start a new life, without being afraid of the sad past.

Each new dawn is a new chance life gives you!

Each day is a new opportunity to celebrate and enjoy everything that life gives us.

Take with you only what fits and fits in your new stage of life. What is left, sell or, even better, donate.

May this new stage of your life be full of adventure.

I say goodbye to love, but not the hope of a new life and a surprising future.

New life from now on. The good thing about being is that we change, learn and improve.

May this love that united you multiply every day of this new life that begins.

I close the window to a love that didn’t work out, but I open all my doors to a new life and full of surprises.

Have you ever thought about going somewhere where no one knows you and starting a new life?

No matter where you stopped. Starting is giving yourself a new chance, is renewing hopes in life and most importantly: believe in you again.

Now that you have found the incentive necessary to start a new life, also take the opportunity to check out our selection of beautiful quotes about life and understand the importance of valuing each day lived!

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