40 messages of unconditional love to open your heart

Unconditional love is one who is first and expects nothing in return. It is full, complete love that does not set boundaries or conditions for the other person. Packed by feeling, check out the selection of unconditional love quotes we have separated to you and transmit all your affection to those you love so much!

Mother’s Unconditional Love Quotes

Mother’s love does not fit the chest of so much happiness and pride. It is the purest love that can exist, which is present even before the birth of a child. Thinking about this beautiful feeling, we separated the best quotations of unconditional love of mother to be enchanted!

To be a mother is to feel for your child an unconditional and eternal love.

The love of a mother is eternal, unconditional. As much as the mistakes are, I will never stop loving and cheering for my son’s welfare.

Nothing in life is able to explain mother’s love. To be a mother is to develop an infinite and unconditional love ability. It is to donate with body and soul, it is divided.

Mother’s love does not lose strength or end; He is eternal and powerful.

After we become mothers that we know true unconditional love. Mother simply mother, only love nothing but love, eternal love.

To be a mother is to have a heart always ready to forgive, is to have a patient and unconditional love that you can’t explain.

A love stronger than anything, more obstinate than anything, more lasting than all, only the love of Mother.

To be a mother is to feel unconditional love, to be happy for the happiness of the beloved son. It is being blessed and chosen by God to take care of the most precious good of life.

Unconditional love and memorable sensations are part of a mother’s daily life with her children.

To be a mother is to assume the gift of creation, donation, and unconditional love before God. To be a mother is to embody divinity on earth.

Unconditional Love Quotes for Son

To have a child is to receive a divine blessing. It is discovering a love hitherto kept seven keys in the heart. It is a feeling that cannot be compared and no other, is unique, non-transferable and eternal. Thinking about the beauty of this relationship, we have selected some quotes of unconditional love for son for you to share with it this beautiful feeling!

There is no stronger, eternal and special bond than the one that exists between me and you. I love you, my dear son!

My son is the reason for my life, the greatest love I carry in my chest. A love that I will never feel for someone else.

To have a child is to discover an eternal and unconditional love. And this is so good, my dear! I live so that you are happy, so that your smile comes naturally.

I will give you unconditional love for all your life, son.

When I looked at your eyes and had it in my arms for the first time, I felt like my life no longer belonged to me. I felt the soul full of love and my heart out of me.

my son, you are life in me, the love I chose to feel. May your path always be sweet and full of happiness.

my son, my greatest love. Unconditional love. Love for life!

My son is the reason for my living, the reason for my pride and for him my heart hits unconditional love.

My dear son, make sure that I will be all my life by your side with an eternal love without measures.

A love that begins in the belly can never be erased. I love you so much, my son!

Unconditional Love Quotes for Daughter

Love for a daughter is a pure and sincere feeling that arises even before birth. There is nothing more intense than parents’ love for their children. With that in mind, we selected the best unconditional love quotes for daughter. Choose your favorite and share this affection with your girl!

My daughter, the love I feel for you is sincere and unconditional. You are the passion of my life.

My dear, there is no end or size for the love I feel for you! It is love of truth, eternal and unconditional.

The love I feel for you, my daughter, is the size of the world. It causes me to fly to the distant star and embrace it without ever leaving.

My love for you is like the universe: even though infinite is still expanding.

My dear, you are beautiful inside and out and my love for you is unconditional.

From birth my life has given a wonderful turnaround. And so I promise to take care of you until eternity! What happens can be sure that our love will always overcome anything.

My daughter, you are what I have the most important. My greatest treasure, my most precious good.

My little girl, you are my world and for you beats a bigger love than life in my heart!

I never felt so much love for someone as I feel for you, my beautiful daughter! It is unbelievable how this feeling has no limitations.

I hold my baby on my lap and finally understand my place in the world and what is unconditional love.

Unconditional Love Quotes for Status

Technology is already part of our lives, but we do not always know what to share with our friends on the social networks that are already part of everyday life. A post is able to completely change the mood of those who read it, and it was thinking about it that we selected a series of unconditional love quotes for status. Don’t know what to share? Share love with the guys!

unconditional love is one who does not claim anything before doing a favor.

True friendship is unconditional love. There is no disease. Addiction, service or belief that destroys this.

Unconditional love is the one who wants the good of the other regardless of his individual self.

Family is the perfect demonstration of unconditional love.

May your unconditional love be just self -love, you feel for yourself.

Those who love unconditionally expect nothing in return. Love is first.

True friendship is eternal and unconditional and represents a unique love.

Love is not born unconditional. It arises imperceptible, grows in our hearts and becomes strong, eternal and then, unconditional.

The best farewell is not made of kiss or hug, but promises of unconditional love.

Unconditional love means full, complete, absolute love, which does not impose conditions or limits to love yourself.

Loving and being loved unconditionally is priceless. It is a feeling that fills the hearts and makes us overflow with happiness. How about checking out our declaration of love quotes? Share love, because those we love deserve a special affection!

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