40 messages of independence for those who need to feel free

The word freedom has different meanings depending on the situation or the person who wants it. Seeking autonomy in every spheres of life is something that most people seek. If you like to feel free, then check out this wonderful selection of independence quotes and enjoy sharing in all your social networks!

Personal Independence Quotes

Being independent causes many freedoms and responsibilities at the same time, right? And if you are going through a liberation phase, then these personal independence quotes are for you!

Personal independence does not start at 18, but when we stop depending on others.

The price to pay for the privilege of belonging to yourself is never high.

Give me a long enough lever and a strong enough support that I can alone move from the world.

My independence has handcuffs.

Feeling free from the ties and standards imposed is the most beautiful type of personal independence.

I prefer dangerous freedom about safe slavery.

I own myself, my dreams and my happiness.

Nothing buys my personal independence, because it is my greatest joy and conquest.

Fight tooth and nail so that one day you have full personal independence.

Only those who have been very dependent on other people know the happiness of achieving personal independence.

Financial Independence Citations

It does not depend financially on others is the dream of many. If you want to conquer your own money, then check out the quotations of financial independence we have separated and get inspired.

Money has never meant much to me, but independence (achieved with it), a lot.

If money is your hope of independence, you will never have it. The only true security consists of a reserve of wisdom, experience and competence.

The definition of financial freedom is simple: it is the ability to live the lifestyle you want without having to work or depending on someone’s money.

Make no mistake: Financial independence means more responsibility.

The conquest of financial independence comes from much effort and sacrifices.

Financial independence is about having more opportunities.

Not dependent on someone is the first step to a more autonomous life.

owns the money itself, however small, it is a unique achievement.

The more independent we are, due to fortune, the more enslaved we will be for feelings and duties.

Keep in mind: Achieving financial independence requires hard work, organization and a lot of focus.

Female Independence Quotes

A woman who doesn’t depend on anyone is a unique force. These quotes of female independence are perfect for sharing on social networks and showing the strength in each independent woman.

An independent woman has a world of possibilities within her.

I became a woman because I became independent, first of all.

female independence is the force that moves generations.

girl, who you really are. Freedom is worth more than any standard of beauty.

Replace “You can get married” with the “can turn alone”.

An independent woman knows how to find happiness in the company itself.

Who is afraid of independent women live in the last century.

Female independence is a right of all, no matter the class or ethnicity.

female independence presupposes sorority: one cannot be free while there are still those who live on strings.

Behind each independent woman there is a girl who had to learn to recover and stop depending on someone.

Emotional Independence Quotes

We often see ourselves emotionally dependent on others. Cutting this knot is a liberation that leads us to a greater self-love! Read these citations of emotional independence and rethink their relationships.

I do not belong to you, it is not dominating myself as soon as you will understand me.

Marriage is the relationship between men and women in which independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the reciprocal obligation.

Independence is nothing more than having power to choose. Independence is not synonymous with loneliness. It’s synonymous with honesty: I’m where I want, with whom I want and why I want it.

Financial independence is still little. Emotional independence is the fort!

Love is not dangerous, but emotional dependence yes.

They made us believe that each of us is half of an orange and that life only makes sense when we find the other half. We have not been informed that we are born whole and that no one should take responsibility to complete what we lack.

love people deeply, but never let yourself depend emotionally on someone.

Love is freedom and growth instead of possession and limitation.

Many people confuse emotional dependence on love.

I need to learn not to need anyone. It’s hard, because I need to share with someone what I feel.

Always fight your right to independence, whatever it may be! Enjoy and check out these freedom quotes that will inspire you.

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