40 messages from Saint Terezinha that will inspire you to be more humble

Santa Terezinha do Menino Jesus was born in Alençon (France) and died in 1897 at the age of 24. He dedicated his life to the works of God, practicing holiness. His vocation was love, preaching the idea that he is in the little things and small gestures.

To inspire, we have selected several quotes from Santa Terezinha who will help you have a good heart. Reflect and put into practice what more to talk to your feelings and what you believe!

Santa Terezinha Quotes About Love

Santa Terezinha was a person who loved God about all things. For her love was everything! Reflect more with the quotes of Santa Terezinha about the love we select for you and see what she teaches us.

I understood that love encompassed all vocations, that love was everything.

Ó Luminous Lighthouse of Love, I know how to get to you, I found the secret of appropriating your flame.

It is not enough to love, you need to prove it!

Nothing is small if made with love.

Merit does not consist of even giving much, but rather to receive, to love a lot!

You know well, my only martyrdom is your love, sacred heart of Jesus!

I understood that my love was not only translated into words.

A single act of love will make us know better Jesus.

To think of a person who loves himself is praying for her.

O Jesus, my love… my vocation, finally, I found it, my vocation is love!

Quotes from Santa Terezinha about humility

Throughout his life, Santa Terezinha dedicated herself to be humble and practice good with love of neighbor. See some quotes from Santa Terezinha about humility that show how simple she was in her life.

I feel that when I’m charitable it is only Jesus who acts on me.

Charity is the excellent way, which surely leads to God.

I don’t regret life, oh, no!

Merit does not consist of even giving much, but rather to receive, to love a lot!

Jesus does not want me to complain what belongs to me; This should seem easy and natural because nothing belongs to me.

It seems to me that humility is the truth. I don’t know if I’m humble, but I know I see the truth in all things.

It is necessary, above all, said to me, to be humble of heart. You will not be sereed as long as you do not want to subject you to everyone.

The most beautiful thoughts are nothing without the works.

I who wish to possess so much virtue, I thought, I would be far, I would want to be meek, patient, humble, charitable. Ah! I will never come to this.

I can’t grow, I must endure myself as I am, with all my imperfections.

Santa Terezinha Quotes on Little Break

Being small before God to Santa Terezinha was not a bad thing. Even feeling small, she still did the works of the Lord. Check out the quotes from Santa Terezinha about smallness as she never let follow to God.

I can, despite my smallness, aspire to holiness.

I’m too small to climb the rude staircase of perfection.

I don’t consider myself a great saint! I consider myself a small saint. I think God wanted to put in me things that are good for me and others.

I don’t need to grow, on the contrary, I need to be small, to “appeal” more and more.

It is very sweet to feel weak and small!

I can’t grow, I must endure myself as I am, with all my imperfections.

What pleases God in my little soul is that I love my smallness and my poverty. It is the blind hope I have in your mercy.

I hope all the good God, how a little child expects everything from his father.

I’m far from practicing what I understand, but my desire to practice is enough to give me peace.

Will there be a smaller soul and more powerless than mine?

Best Quotes from Santa Terezinha

Santa Terezinha inspires us to be more humble people. And for that, we have selected the best quotes from Santa Terezinha who will help you practice humility to others.

Life is a moment between two eternities.

You have to abandon the future in the hands of the good God… nothing happens that God has not foreseen from all eternity.

I do not die, I enter my life.

Keeping the word of Jesus, this is the only condition of our happiness.

How great is the power of prayer! It is like a queen who at all times has direct access to the king and can get everything he asks for him.

Life is just a dream, we will soon wake up.

oh! Blessed silence that so much peace brings to the soul!

After my death, I will make a shower of roses.

The Lord is so good to me, that it is impossible to fear it.

I don’t prefer to die or live… what good God prefers and chooses to me, this is what I like most.

Now that you have reflected on the quotes of Santa Terezinha, see also religious quotes that will touch your heart and refer you for good!

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