30 messages of longing poems to remember someone remarkable

Feeling a special person is something that accompanies us throughout life and makes us mature. Check out beautiful quotes of longing poems to send to someone you miss or to remember with love of people who are gone!


miss, only Portuguese can feel them well, because they have that word to say they have them.

We miss certain moments of our lives and certain moments of people who have passed it.

Time doesn’t stop! Only longing is what makes things stop in time.

There is no more painful than those of things that never were.

and speaking of longing, where are you?

I hope that sadness convinces you that longing does not compensate and that absence gives no peace.

When I think of you, I close my eyes of longing. I have had a lot, except happiness.

is that longing makes it live, and make heard, and still see, everything that has been and will end.

We also miss what did not exist, and it hurts a lot.

What are the days made of? Of small desires, slow longing, silent memories.

The longing that hurts deeper and hopelessly is our longing for us.

How much I loved or stopped loving, it’s the same longing for me.

move on is simple, that’s what we leave behind that is difficult.

longing is not knowing, not knowing what to do with the days that have been longer or how to overcome the pain of a silence that nothing fills.

It was nothing. I missed that. Suddenly, it gave me … so much longing.

This desire to be close, if far; and closer, if close.

Even when everything seems to collapse, it is up to me to decide between laugh or cry, go or stay, give up or fight; because I discovered, on the uncertain path of life, that the most important thing is to decide.

longing are pieces of the other that have been eternalized in us.

Dear, whenever I think of you, I start writing letters of love invisible to your heart.

I miss your way of ways that not even words can understand.

When I’m with you, the hours look seconds. When we are separated, the days seem years.

longing is this thing that is afraid, that you kill today, and tomorrow she comes back early.

I didn’t know it hurt so much, a table in a corner, a house and a garden. If I knew how much life hurts, this painful pain didn’t hurt that way. Now there is a table in the room and today no one else talks about your mandolin. At that table is missing and I miss it hurting me.

longing is to love a past that has not yet passed, is to refuse a gift that hurts us, is not seeing the future that invites us…

It takes the longing for me to feel how I feel – in me – the mysterious presence of life…

goes my sadness and tells her that without her it can’t be. Tell her in prayer that she returns because I can no longer suffer.

I am right to miss you, our coexistence in comrades, simple to tighten hands, not even that, voice modulating known and banal syllables that were always sure and security.

longing is loneliness accompanied, when love has not left yet, but the beloved already…

I planned to say many things to you, but in the end all I managed to gather was “I miss you.”

Keep these verses that I wrote crying as a relief to my longing, as a duty of my love; And when there is a longing echo, kiss these verses that I wrote crying.

Longing is part of life, but it is important not to let it paralyze you. Take the opportunity to check out quotes to move on that will help you keep your doors open for new paths.

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