40 messages from dad that represent the beauty of this family bond

Being a parent is more than a function, it is having a responsibility to take care of a child and participate in their development. This task, however, requires a dedication and wisdom that sometimes he still doesn’t know he has. But that he assumes for being rewarding! To better understand this role, see dad quotes that identify it as one.

Best Dad Quotations

The great man is the one who does not lose the hearts of his children.

In the eyes of a father, the son is always a child, whether or not he has virtues.

Children are educated as if they were going to live forever as children, never thinking that one day they will become parents.

My children were a gift from God to me, came when I needed the most and taught me the most valuable lessons, besides true love.

Some heroes have no covers. To these we call the father.

The truth is that we do not make children. Just do the layout. They themselves do the artwork.

I do not intend to be a model for my children, but a good draft.

Nothing pleases the father than pleasing his children.

Father: the certainty of an eternal friend!

having a father is essential, being the best father is exceptional!

Father’s quotes for child

When I look you, I see how it looks like your mother. Maybe that’s why I love him in double!

wise is the father who knows his own son.

The greatest achievement of my life is to see you happy!

You are my raison d’ĂȘtre, it is the reason I find every day to get out of bed and face life. This love makes me stronger and teaches me to be someone better.

You are my little miracle, your existence is my divine present!

so beloved and dear son, I live for you, because you are my life!

There is no greater feeling in the world than to love a child.

My love for you is like the universe: it is infinite and is constantly expanding.

With you I discovered the meaning of unconditional love. My son, your life is my preciousness!

It is a privilege to be chosen to guide your steps and be your inspiration. I will do my best, forever!

Father’s Quotes to Daughter

I discovered what real love is after you were born.

Having you as a daughter is a privilege without size! I never imagined being worthy of this role …

I am proud of the daughter I have and I will protect her above anything. I won’t let any harm to happen!

so small, but with a gigantic heart … this is you, who always filled me with pride!

my love, know that everything I do in this life is for you.

For you, I am capable of all things in the world. You strengthen me and make me someone better!

You have changed my life forever. Thank you for being the one that brought a new meaning to my living!

No matter what happens in your life, I will always be here to help you and protect.

Your daughter’s affection is able to improve any pain I feel. Thanks for being my healing!

Seeing your smile is the certainty that I have played a good role as a father.

Quotes on Being Dad

Being a father is like having two hearts and understanding that the most important of them beats outside our body.

To be a father is to be the one who holds his son’s hand when fear comes.

Being a father is being an angel, but without wings.

To be a father is to make mistakes and get it right, to know the right time to speak or silence, to have the courage to go ahead, without being afraid to fail.

Being a parent is more than generating life, it is being a guide and safe port when your children need you.

To be a father is to be present at all times, regardless of the circumstances.

Being a father is dividing responsibilities.

Being a father is planting and creating roots, is teaching holding his hand with courage and determination.

Being a father is no position or function, but a beautiful mission to be fulfilled.

Being a father is the art of improvisation! Nothing comes out like planned, but always living and learning.

Being a father is a gift that few enjoy or even value. So if you have this opportunity, grab with all the strength to be present! Ne If life has taken this important figure close to you, see these late quotes for deceased father who tenderly remind everything you lived. no, despite the physical distance that separate them, love certainly remains present in your heart! Enjoy to honor him as he deserves.

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