40 messages from Capricorn that demonstrate the resilience of this sign

Capricorns make no effort to achieve their goals, work intensely, but also dedicate themselves to the family. And contrary to what many people think, they are looking for a great love. They don’t know how to pretend to like it, so they are often called boring. Check out Capricorn quotes to understand and praise this persistent way!

Capricorn quotes that talk a lot about their willpower

She is Capricorn! Prefers to be called antisocial than pretending to like people. Sincere and firm.

I hate when they suffocate me, but I don’t like it either when I realize they are leaving me aside. Sometimes I don’t even understand, I can’t handle it.

My happiness is battle, running after my goals and making no effort to achieve them.

A sweet person, but get hurt, bitterness comes!

Thanks to everyone who hurt me, you strengthened me to the lot.

Who sees me so silent, do not imagine how much dialogue that goes on in my head.

I will smile and say that everything is fine, even if my world goes down.

Education I have, what I don’t have is patience.

The world goes around, so I never give up. Better days will come!

I use irony because I can’t use violence.

What my mouth does not say, my face reveals.

foot on the ground, but always the thought in the future. It has a thousand plans in mind and a huge heart.

Neither that I fight me every day, things will change!

Capricorn is not to give up or discourage. But when you realize it doesn’t give it anymore, it doesn’t insist. Your motto: either gain, or lose.

I’ll be fine, I’m fine!

Sometimes I get lost too much thinking about the future. I already have a lifetime planned.

I like sincerity, to speak what they feel and admit the mistakes. I like who knows what he wants, who knows how to value what he has.

I keep a lot for me, even if it bothers me. I don’t know if it’s defect, quality or craze.

Capricorn does not forget, archive.

Persistence is my best friend.

I prefer to be reason for peace!

She is ironic when she is angry, cold when she is jealous, quiet when not well.

persevering, loyal, reliable and with a very strong character.

No matter my stumbling blocks, I am very persistent and I still have the strength to win. It may take a while, but I’ll get there!

Sign of wealth, Capricorn gives his best in everything he does. It’s loyal, companion and loves routine.

Do not rest until you win! Discipline and ambition are very noticeable in me.

There is no stone heart, as many think. But it has the necessary firmness against weak loves.

Let’s do this: you pay my bills and get the right to talk about my life.

Capricorn only buys books in tallow to save money.

It’s okay if it hasn’t worked yet. I lift my head and go ahead!

Good thing nothing in this life is definitive. We can always walk two steps back and ten forward.

List of plans in a Capricorn’s life: earning a lot of money.

Capricorn in Love: Do not like to spend money for nothing, likes to stay at home and be stable.

Clean consciousness is the best thing! The peace of leaning your head on the pillow and restarting with your own attitudes nobody takes away.

I wanted to be cold with me, soon I, the Capricorn!

He easily cares about everything. It is persistent, observer and not too patient. Has a sense of humor and loves fun.

There will be days when I want to cry and isolate myself, without having to reasons, so out of nowhere.

It’s no use pretending. I know who is false and I know who is really.

The Capricorn Mother: “On the way back we buy”.

Persistent, sometimes grumbling.

Capricorn qualities are admirable, there is no sign that battles more for what it wants than this one. If you are a typical Capricorn, also check out resilience quotes to motivate yourself to run after your goals.

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