40 messages from a determined woman to demonstrate her independence

It’s impressive how people are still surprised by women who have a voice, who know what they want and who do not admit no one to say what they should do or not. Decisive women do not worry about what people will say about them, they do not try to please anyone and do not change their way of being for anyone.

These characteristics show how strong and independent they are and that they will never lower their heads or silence for fear or fear of someone. They express themselves, say what they want, go where they want, use clothes they want and no one is able to change it.

We made a list of citations of women determined to share with the women you know are owned by you. They deserve all the admiration for being so determined and courageous. Share and exalt these women!

Woman Quotes Decided to show that you send in your life

Decided woman is more than powerful. It’s sovereign.

Nothing is stronger and more admirable than a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid of being who she is.

Powerful woman is made of certainties!

powerful woman bothers me half a world, but impresses the whole world.

intelligent, determined and brave woman has a lot of value.

Decisive and safe women scare kids.

Behind each strong and independent woman, there is a girl who had to learn never depending on anyone.

woman who knows what she wants, goes far … and goes high heels!

Be a determined woman. Decide to be powerful.

Powerful woman does not fear challenges and commands her own destiny.

Decided woman does not care about the opinion of others. Full of virtues and self -love, she walks in peace and quiet, accepting and being protagonist of her actions.

resolved woman knows exactly what she wants and who she wants to be in her life.

Strong woman is the one who sees the world and knows the power she has.

Never underestimate the claw of a woman who knows what she wants. She has strength even in her eyes and the way of walking. A woman with goals always hits them. You can write!

She knows what they expect from her. The family, society, boyfriend, boss and co -workers. But she doesn’t care. She only accepts to meet one person’s expectations: herself!

A strong woman is the one who loves, takes care and enjoying life the way she understands it.

wanted her to be home, but she was from reading, with this freedom, she was where she wanted to be.

A woman must be two things: who and whatever she wants!

I find it beautiful independent woman, that no standards are attached and who carries in the smile the courage to be who she wants.

If you see a woman who has a shine in her eyes you can be sure it is because she knows what she wants. And she knows even more that she will do. If you could no longer.

A woman who knows what she wants and fights for it can transform the world.

Women’s place is where she wants!

When a woman knows what she wants there is no stone or hole in the way that makes her down from the jump.

bold woman has attitude, no one runs away from conflict, knows what she wants and is firm in her decisions.

owner of self, girl woman. You know where to go, do what you want.

The biggest mistake of men is to think that the woman is holy or naughty. Little does he know she’s both, but when she wants it.

There is no force majeure in the world than that of a certain woman.

Safe Woman is not afraid of being alone, is afraid of being bad accompanied.

I’m determined and I’m not afraid of anything!

To face what is only the strength of a woman who knows what she wants very well. And she knows, she knows.

An empowered woman is one who does not admit that man will say what she should do.

Powerful woman makes the impossible and trail her own way without fear or prejudice.

The bravest act is to think for yourself aloud!

A decided woman goes beyond all the limits.

Girl’s face in a woman’s body. Full of courage, she knows what she wants.

I’m like that, I want everything and I want it now. Some call me spoiled, but I prefer to determine!

I am what I am. Decided woman and good with life, seeking happiness always.

I attach so easy, so fragile, so girl. Fast detachment, so woman, so determined.

Decided woman knows what she wants. The chat is straight and has no trelelé. Sexy conquers what you want, reggae has samba in the foot. The game is hers and will never change. The weapon she uses is to value herself.

When a woman decides to go around, she never looks back.

If you, a woman, are still afraid of being who you are and to do what you want, it’s time to change that. See our list with quotations for powerful women who will fill you with strength and encourage you to act the way you want!

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