40 incredible messages from Leo to enhance your shine

If you were born between July 23 and August 22, confidence is your sun. The sign of Leo moves through the feelings and light emanating from himself, capable of illuminating all around him. We bring you lion quotes with encouragement and tips that extol the beauty inside you.

Needing a dose of self -confidence? Check out our list and let yourself be infected by Leonina energy!

I am the attraction of those looking for an idol.

I am a distorted manifestation of an internal monologue.

Leonino is that person who is always looking for good internal values.

Mirror, my mirror, is there someone in the world more beautiful than me?

taking the little conflicts, I am the perfect personification of someone who knows what he wants – or pretends to know.

When happy I leave the world radiant, but do not abandon me because the ego is fourth.

I have the extraordinary ability to be the protagonist in all stories.

Why would I stop shining over someone else?

I need a time with the person who cares the most with me: myself.

self -care is the most beautiful form of love.

loving yourself is a revolutionary act!

Create your own way.

connect with yourself, with its essence and find your own way.

Never forget to support those who want you well: Love is a network that must be cultivated.

Do not waste time on concerns you invented – focus on the true problems of your life.

Respect your own time.

Your disappointments are the result of your own expectations.

Your beauty and trust should not depend on others – like a star, your strength comes from within you.

Accept your defects as well as you exalt your qualities.

Get ready: The world outside needs you.

You are not a bad person for making mistakes, but for not admitting your own mistakes.

In every corner of the world, there is a news waiting for you.

Give power only to those who deserve your attention.

Know yourself before you surrender to others.

disconnect from everything that hurt you one day.

Go after your own happiness.

The mirror exists to prove you that there is no one as extraordinary as you in the world.

Believe me: Your true essence is where your true beauty is.

How long have you been wearing this mask and forgot to be yourself?

Sometimes we need to reassess around us to make sure we are not fooling ourselves.

It takes courage to act with the heart.

every moment are necessary: ​​happiness is even in the small moments.

runs like a lion and don’t be afraid to show yourself to the world.

You know what you can, all you need is to run after.

Fear of being ourselves prevents us from being heroes in our own history.

As a magnet, you are able to attract people – you are a free spirit that fascinates.

You know how to shine like no one else.

Rebuilding is not an act of weakness, but care that you get even better.

Everyone has their time to evolve. Respect yours.

Loving yourself is not selfishness, but a health issue.

And you, Leonino, did you like the quotes we selected? See also the best citations of self -confidence so that your sun continues to shine and illuminating everyone around you.

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