35 quotes for baptism godmothers that enhance this special bond | messages, wishes and quotes

The godmother of baptism is a very special person for the whole family. After all, it is who the parents choose with such care to guide their child through faith. This important bond deserves to be celebrated and praised. To do this, check out the best quotes for baptism godmothers and thank her for embarking on such a blessed mission!

quotes for baptism godmother that show the importance of this mission

I couldn’t have someone better to accompany me at every stage of my life. I love you, godmother!

The day I welcomed God into my life, I also welcomed you as my godmother. It was a double blessing!

God was very generous when he placed you in our lives. That’s why we really want you to be our baby’s godmother.

It’s an honor to call you godmother and know that you’ve been with me since my baptism. I love you!

The faith that unites us is what allows us to experience so many beautiful things like making someone dear, like you, part of our family. I love you, dinda!

The responsibility is such that I wouldn’t want to share it with anyone other than you. Do you accept the mission of being godmother?

You are the constant that has been in my life since forever. Thank you for being the best godmother!

You love our little one like we do and we couldn’t choose anyone else to be his godmother!

We formed lifelong bonds and I know I can always count on you, godmother!

You are the perfect person to guide our little one by faith. Thank you for agreeing to be his godmother!

You were promoted to godmother so long ago. May God promote you to saint for so much generosity. Thank you for being the best there is!

My steps are blessed by God and guided by the best godmother in the world.

In my entire life, your advice and care have made a difference, godmother!

You are one of the most important people in our lives. Would you agree to be our little one’s baptism godmother?

A little angel who came from Heaven could only be guided by a blessed godmother like you!

Having you as a godmother makes life filled with love every day!

We feel more at ease knowing that our baby will always be connected to you!

Godmother, you embraced this responsibility with so much love. Thank you for everything!

God is more present in my life because of you, godmother.

I knew the love of Jesus since I was little thanks to you, godmother. I love you!

Dinda, thank you for understanding this mission right away and for being my great companion on the paths of life and faith.

I just want to thank you for your advice and for being such a special godmother!

Jesus put you on our path and prepared everything for this day to happen. Do you agree to be our baby’s friend?

I never had any doubts about you being our boy’s godmother. Do you accept?

I thank God for the gift of having you as my godmother. I know I wasn’t always easy, but you didn’t give up on me.

Godmother, thank you for holding my hand since my christening and never letting go.

Your care and zeal since my baptism have made all the difference in my life, dinda!

Everything I learned about faith and God was from you, godmother. I love you! Thank you for making Heaven possible for me.

To always walk close to God, I couldn’t have a better companion. I love you, godmother!

You love God very much and me too. You are special, godmother!

Baptism is an unforgettable moment and having you as godmother means always remembering it with joy!

You are my godmother, my protector and the one I always run to when I need advice. Thank you for everything!

You are responsible for instructing me in the faith. It’s wonderful to have you as a godmother.

I trust you with my life and that of my most precious possession. Would you agree to be our little one’s baptism godmother?

You are the right person to guide me in faith and God confirms this to me every day. I love you, godmother!

May these bonds be eternal and increasingly stronger. To understand the importance of this beautiful sacrament, check out quotes for baptism and celebrate this very important event for the journey of faith!

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