35 protective Psalm messages that ward off evil from your life

God is the one who delivers you from evil, guides your steps and makes you feel safe. It is therefore important to ask him to protect and bless him daily. In his word, it is possible to find this strength to overcome obstacles. Check out the best quotes of protective psalms and ask the Lord to fulfill His will in your life!

Citations of protective psalms that cry out for the power of God

Protect me, O God, for in you refuges me.

However, all who take refuge in you are rejoiced; Always sing for joy! Extend your protection upon them. In you exult those who love your name.

Your word is a lamp that illuminates my steps and light that brightens my way.

Our hope is in the Lord; He is our aid and our protection.

Wait in the Lord, cheer up, and He will strengthen your heart; Wait in the Lord.

Protect me as the girl from your eyes; hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Thousand may fall beside you; ten thousand, on your right, but nothing will hit you.

Keep my life and deliver me! Don’t leave me disappointed, because I take refuge on you. May integrity and righteousness protect me, because my hope is in you.

The children of the lions need and suffer hungry, but to those who seek the Lord well, no lack.

Only he is my rock and my salvation; It is my defense; I will not be largely shaken.

you, who love the Lord, hated evil. He keeps the souls of his saints; He delivers them from the hands of the wicked.

God is our refuge and our strength, help that is not lacking in times of distress.

But you, Lord, are a shield to me, my glory, and what exalts my head.

The horse is fallays for security; It does not deliver anyone with its great strength. Behold, the Lord’s eyes are upon those who fear him, over those who await his mercy. To rid the souls of death, and to keep them alive in hunger.

Under the protection of your face defend them against the conspiracies of men. You the occult on your tent against the cursing languages.

The Lord will also be a high refuge for the oppressed; a high refuge in times of anguish.

The Lord will improve what touches me; Your kindness, O Lord, lasts forever; Do not forsake the works of your hands.

It is better to trust the Lord than to trust in man.

You are my refuge and my shield; I hope in your word.

You who dwell under the protection of the Most High, who live in the shadow of the omnipotent, say to the Lord, “You are my refuge and my citadel, my God, whom I trust.” It is he who will deliver you from the hunter’s bond, and the pernicious plague.

The Lord is with me; I will not fear what the man can do to me.

Throw your care about the Lord, and He will sustain you; will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

May the Lord respond to you in the time of anguish; The name of Jacob’s God protect you! Of the Sanctuary send you aid and from Zion you give you support.

to you, who gives salvation to kings, and that delivers to David, your servant, from the evil sword. Deliver me, and take me out of the hands of strange children, whose mouth speaks vanity, and your right hand is the right hand of iniquity.

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; will not remove any those who walk in righteousness.

listens to my words, O Lord, meets my meditation. Meets the voice of my cry, my king and my God, for I will pray to you.

Blessed be the Lord every day; God, our salvation, carries our burdens: Our God is a God who saves, from death to us the Lord God.

For you, Lord, will bless the righteous; You will surround you with your benevolence as a shield.

The Lord protects the foreigner and sustains the orphan and the widow, but frustrates the purpose of the wicked.

There I will sprout the force of David; I prepared a lamp for my anointed. I will wear your enemies of shame; but on him will flourish his crown.

If the Lord does not build the house, in vain work those who build it; If the Lord does not keep the city, in vain watch the sentry.

God’s way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proved; It is a shield for all who trust him.

I have put the Lord continually before me; That’s why he is my right hand, I will never falter.

Lord, you will keep us safe, and these people will protect us forever.

Do not give me your mercy, Lord; May your love and your truth always protect me.

The Lord always protects those who follow their ways. In addition to crying out for protection, thank God for everything He has done in your life with gratifying quotes!

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