35 farewell messages for special teachers who will be missed

school is our second home. In it we spent much of our day. Every school year, the heart squeezes and fills with longing. It’s time to say goodbye and prepare for a new stage. Check out beautiful farewell quotes for teachers who will thrill your masters. Share gratitude with those who share knowledge with you.

Farewell citations for teachers full of respect and recognition

Dear teachers, we ended another school year. I was very lucky to have the best masters. Thank you for the dedication to teaching. I wish everyone to have a good vacation and enjoy the parties a lot!

This is a very special moment and full of longing, it’s time to say: See you soon, dear teacher. I hope to have class with you in the coming years, because your dedication is a great inspiration to me. All my affection.

Teachers, you are great builders, offer knowledge bricks and help students build the future. We thank you for the beautiful and constructive school year. Enjoy the holidays to rest.

On the board of life, the influence of a great teacher can never be erased. Thank you for encouraging me to write a new story for my future. Happy holidays, my master, my friend!

teachers, the end of the school year leaves a great longing in my heart. I thank the masters who helped me end another cycle of knowledge. May the new stage be full of dreams and achievements.

This year was a big challenge for everyone. Whether in the classroom or separated by the computer screen, the teachers did a beautiful work, reinvented teaching and decreased the distances. Thanks for encouraging to dream!

When I look back, I’m grateful for my achievements. Teacher, you are very important to me, always encouraging me and believing in my potential. With affection, have a beautiful holiday.

teachers, during the school year, you were our guides, were by our side and taught us to walk with our feet. We thank you for all affection and dedication. May the new cycle be full of happiness. Happy holidays!

Teacher, I can’t put in words the great meaning you have in my life. The person who taught me to look at me with a new perspective. I will always take your teachings in my heart.

Teacher, you are the best! Always thinking outside the box, teaching with creativity, dedication and joy. This school year was very crazy, with great learning. With affection, all my gratitude.

My master, when I grow up, I want to be like you! Thank you for turning this academic year into an experience that I will lead forever with me! More than a teacher, you are a great friend. Happy holidays!

To teachers, my eternal gratitude. Another school year comes to an end and you certainly fulfilled a beautiful mission. I close this cycle full of motivation to start another step. Enjoy the holidays!

teachers, our immense gratitude. You helped us overcome obstacles, showed that everyone is able to learn and taught us that only knowledge transforms the world.

Teacher, you are eternalized in my heart. It was a great joy to go through this school year in your company. Thank you for all the teachings. I wish you have great and invigorating vacation.

The time has come to say goodbye. Teacher, thank you from the heart for everything you taught me. I know your scolding went to my growth. I will miss you! Next year, I hope to be your student again.

teachers, when sharing knowledge, you change our story forever. We thank you for the school year full of learning. We will miss you. Enjoy the holidays to rest and replace the energies.

If fairies exist, I don’t know. But I’m sure, teacher, that you made the magic of knowledge happen in my life. Thank you for all the charming classes we had. Happy Holidays and Enjoy to Rest!

Dear teacher, you were the salt of my school year, seasoned the classes and offered full meals with knowledge. It was a great pleasure to be your student. I hope we can meet again more often. Happy holidays!

teachers, you are like gardeners: sow knowledge, cultivate with love and affection, and help us bloom in the world. This school year was very special. Always keep dedicated and humble.

To the best teacher, I can’t say goodbye, because you were eternalized in my heart. I will always keep the good times we live with and the great teachings you shared. Gratitude.

teachers, we thank you for turning the school year into a beautiful life experience. For the new cycle, we want you to have better salaries, appreciation and recognition. We follow together in the struggle for education!

Teacher, you are not Santa Claus, but made the school year a great gift for my life. Thank you for everything, my master. I will always remember with love of your classes. I wish your vacation to be illuminated!

The school year was a great adventure! We exhaust the path of knowledge, face obstacles, learn a lot and conclude another stage of our lives. To teachers, sincere gratitude.

In the pandemic, my teachers were the best digital influencers and major creators of content. I close the school year with even more admiration and gratitude for the masters of education.

Dear teacher, when ending the school year, be sure that you sowed the seed of wisdom in my heart. Thank you for being this inspiring person and always believing in my potential.

The end of the school year has arrived! It’s time to keep the lab coat, erase the blackboard and enjoy rest. To teachers, gratitude for everything. May you continue to adventure and brave on the journey of teaching.

Ignorance is the worst viruses of all. Teachers, thank you for vaccinating with knowledge and encouraging us to exercise critical thinking. Enjoy the holidays, you deserve to rest.

Dear teacher, even the best warrior needs to replace the energies to fight the next battle. Enjoy your vacation a lot. For the new cycle, I hope to be your student again. Take my affection and gratitude, master!

Teacher, you are not Red Bull, but your classes gave me wings. You inspired me to go in search of my dreams. My gratitude. This school year was the best of all, full of joy and knowledge. Happy holidays.

The end of the school year is full of emotions and longing. Teachers, a teaching with love, dedication and patience is the best way to conquer the heart of a student. And you managed to captivate me. Thank you for everything!

Dear teacher, you were a great inspiration for me during the school year. I feel that many cages have been unlocked in my life and, with your help, I’m ready for a new stage. All my affection!

teachers, distance increases longing, but does not diminish the affection and importance. Even virtual, it was great to have you in our life during the school year. Thanks for the inspiring creativity!

Teacher, teaching is a beautiful mission. This school year, you were very important to me. I will always remember with love that one day my best master held on my hand and helped me keep walking.

Dear teachers, we will end the school year with great joy, because sharing knowledge is reason for celebration. Enjoy the parties, rest a lot and prepare to shine in the new cycle!

It was a great pleasure to have class with the best teacher of all. Your heart, your humility and your dedication conquered me. I will be your eternal student. Thank you for everything and wish you beautiful vacation for you.

There are so many reasons why we must thank our masters. Continue in this climate of recognition, check out the teachers’ gratitude quotes and demonstrate that you value the educator’s work.

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