33 self-confidence messages that will give you more determination

A little positive thinking in the morning can change your entire day.

Don’t let people make you give up what you want most in life. Believe. Fight. Conquer. And above all, be happy.

regardless of what you are feeling, get up, dress and get out to shine.

Who you are, not who the world wants you to be.

No matter what you decided. What matters is that it makes you happy.

Prefer the smile, it is good for you and those around you. Give laugh at everything, yourself. Do not guard joys. Be happy today!

To be special is not to arrive and rock, but go out and miss you.

Do not let the fear of falling prevent you from flying.

Over the years I learned that the most important thing in a dress is the woman who wears him.

When we can express who we are, in what we do, so we can experience the full realization.

Trusting yourself. Smile at you. Perform for all.

In the absence of love someone, I loved myself and felt loved, and it was love for me everywhere.

You are good enough, you just need to believe that to start realizing it.

shine, even if there is darkness.

I don’t want to be superior to anyone, I just focus on being better than me.

Cultivating freedom is the greatest proof of love that exists!

Go firmly toward your goals. Because thought creates, desire attracts and faith realizes.

If you are not happy with something, move. You are not a tree.

use all your energies, but don’t give up.

Never doubt the force that lives in you!

Your strength is able to overcome any stone on the way. Just jump it and move on.

Do not accumulate what darkens the soul and yellow the smile. Accumulate what to perfume life!

Happiness Menu: A Smile Dose Lightning Upon Waking up and a hint of prayer of gratitude before bed.

Don’t be discouraged, a lot of good things will happen.

If one day reason asks you to give up and your heart has you fight, fight. Because it is not the reason that hits you to live, but the heart.

You are what you choose to be.

Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.

If you want your life to make a new meaning, a new taste, faith, hope and love.

If you have not yet discovered any talent, show your brightness through your willpower!

Risk is better than spending the rest of your life sorry for not trying.

Ignore the imperfect past, ignore the gift full of defects, think, create a tomorrow your way.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think about what could work.

Do not disrespect yourself trying to be someone else.

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