30 messages of trust in God to place your life in His hands

How many times have you been afraid or have questions about something? Confidence in God is a great remedy against these concerns. He has all his way already planned, just believe it! When we put our lives in the Father’s hands and allow him to take control, everything happens as it should happen.

Trust God delivers us from a huge and tiring burden. Insecurities and anxiety about the future can no longer reach us, relieving the soul of unnecessary concerns. If you still don’t know the lightness of believing in the Lord’s plans, it’s never too late to take the first step!

We have selected a list of trusting quotes in God that will help you with this mission. Prepared for change? Then check out, get inspired and have your conversation with him!

Quotes of trust in God that will bring you security

Trust, thank and rest. God takes care of us. He always takes care of everything.

Revive your confidence in God every moment and even more at the time of trials.

At all times, I trust God. In what I do, I think of God. With whom I live, I love God. Wherever I follow, I follow with God. In what happens, God does the best. All I have is God’s blessing.

Trust God, keep your head up and, most importantly, be happy in your own way.

I give all my plans to God and I trust him!

We do not know what can happen suddenly, but we can trust in the God that makes everything happen.

From all the choices I make in my life, the best of them is to trust God.

You don’t see tomorrow, but you see. Trust it!

I don’t know what I do, where I stay: I’m very afraid, but I trust God.

My strength comes from the confidence I have in the Father.

Put God in the center of everything, trust him and see the change occurs in you.

trust in God is going on, without relying on what you see, until you see what is expected of it.

Blessed is the man who trusts the Lord, and whose confidence is the Lord.

To trust God is to ask the will of Him to be done even if it does not coincide with yours. It is to be aware of all its power and its wisdom. It’s not fearing the unexpected to know that he always knows what he does and does everything for sake every child.

In God I have put my confidence; I will not fear what the man can do to me.

Trusting in God is the art of walking on the waters and not sinking.

I trust God and God trust me.

It is confidence in God that makes you go forward when circumstances conspire against you.

Despite the storm, I know I can always trust God.

And even if the world is collapsing, keep believing that God is powerful to give you the best of this earth. Sometimes our best is not the best of God.

trusting God is not only having the courage to climb the hills, it is also to be resilient when crossing the valleys.

delivered, trust and thank God.

Trust God at all times in your life. Not only in good, but also in the bad.

concern in everyday life reflects how much we do not truly trust God.

Trust the change God can make in you!

hold on God’s hand and walk without fear. Confidence in him is able to protect him from all dangers of the road of life.

The most beautiful to believe, trust, worship and deliver everything in the hands of God is that we live the project that he devised for us!

You can do anything you want, just trust God.

Make God your best friend and trust him everything.

deposit your trust in God and will never be disappointed by Him.

Now that you have delivered all your concerns to his hand, how are you feeling? Soon life will become easier without all the concerns that have disturbed you so much, so it’s time to thank you for all the change made. Check out these quotes of gratitude to God and be grateful for everything He does for you!

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