30 messages of emotional responsibility to reflect on your actions

Empathy and affective responsibility go hand in hand. Putting yourself in the other’s shoes and knowing that we can affect-and a lot-other people’s feelings is a high degree of emotional intelligence. How about reflecting more on the subject? Read these citations of affective responsibility and send to those who need to review some attitudes in relationships.

Quotations of affective responsibility that will bring reflections on our relationships

It’s okay not to last forever, it’s okay if it lasts only one night, as long as you make all your intentions clear.

Affective responsibility is not about reciprocity. It is about honesty. It is about respect. It’s about being real. It is about knowing that what means nothing to you can mean a lot to the other.

About affective responsibility: You must have with yourself!

Affective Responsibility: It is being honest and real. Is to have empathy with the heart of others.

Affective responsibility is about being transparent, not about being reciprocal.

We need to have more affective responsibility. People have no idea of ​​emotional damage that can cause each other.

has affective responsibility. Put yourself in the other’s shoes, never delude someone just to increase your ego.

The lack of maturity spoils any relationship. Before you take over a person, know if you have the ability to be a good partner. Do not spoil the mental health of others!

The right person is the one who plays clean with us.

Affective responsibility is to plant in someone else’s hearts just what you intend to cultivate.

Do you just want a kiss? He speaks! Just want to stay? He speaks! Want something serious? He speaks! Do you have a roll with ex? He speaks! Is there anything bothering? He speaks! Is there someone else? He speaks! In the conversation everything is solved, so no one hurts.

Affective responsibility does not mean that you need to correspond to the feelings of others, but that you need to be clear about what you feel and not to feed something you do not want to invest.

Be honest, be character, be real, do not hurt who loves you and who wants you well. And always be open!

have done very badly to me and I still still here without any desire to hurt someone.

I understand that each one offers what they can. I just do not agree when the person has no maturity to assume, from the beginning of the relationship, what can offer.

Affective responsibility is nothing more than simple and pure common sense!

No one should have to beg for affective responsibility for others. If you need to charge it from someone, rethink your relationships!

good is good to be with someone who respects you, talks and makes a point of exposing everything you feel, transparently and clean.

Have, above all, affective responsibility with yourself! After all, you are your greatest love.

A mature love presupposes affective responsibility. One simply does not exist without the other.

To be mature is to be transparent, clear and honest. Learn what you really want before you get involved with someone.

Be honest with the other person about your feelings, but first, be honest with yourself!

Your words and actions have the power to bring calm and chaos in a person’s world. So be responsible and mature.

It would be good if everyone was well resolved to themselves and their own past. This would avoid a lot of headache! However, the lessons we take from each frustration help us mature and understand to put us in place of others.

Who has no affective responsibility, besides being immature, is insecure!

Don’t be selfish: know that from the moment you really get involved with someone, you are taking a huge responsibility. Are you ready for this?

Do not bend affection, do not begging affective responsibility. Learn the time to let go. Know that each one has their own process and time of maturity and the fault is not yours!

Do not generate expectation of what you cannot nourish, as this is selfishness and demonstrates a lack of immense maturity!

Over time, we realize that it was once light and pain in the lives of many people. When we realize this, we can choose what we will bring to the next relationships. This is also responsibility!

To grow is to assume various responsibilities in life and one of them is to realize to which measure I am responsible for what we generate expectation in others.

Always remember never to charge emotional reponsibility of those who are not willing to change and listen. To continue reflecting on the subject, be sure to check out these empathy quotes.

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