30 messages from Van Gogh to immerse yourself in the world of art

Vincent Van Gogh was an important Dutch painter of the nineteenth century. With a post-impressionist style, it produced more than 2,000 works where it portrayed landscapes, nonsense, portraits and self-portraits characterized by the use of vibrant and expressive brushstrokes. Learn a little more about this great name of painting and your legacy in the arts with our Van Gogh quotes. Check it out!

Van Gogh quotes to know your influences

What would life be like if we had no courage to try anything?

I’m always doing what I can’t do, to learn how to do it.

Normality is like a paved road: you walk comfortably, but the flowers don’t grow there.

Art is to comfort those who are broken by life.

Great things are not done on impulse, but by joining a series of little things.

color in an image is like enthusiasm in life.

If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.

Despite everything, I will be resurrected.

If we perfect ourselves in one thing and understand it well, we acquire the understanding and knowledge of many things.

Find beautiful everything you can. Most people don’t find it beautiful enough.

I often think that the night is always more alive than the day.

When I feel the need for religion, I go out at night and paint the stars.

I prefer to die of passion than annoyance.

does not extinguish your inspiration and your imagination; Do not become a slave to your model.

Art is man added to nature.

love many things because that’s where the true strength lives. Who loves so much, does a lot.

It is better to be sassy, ​​even making more mistakes, than having a closed mind and being very prudent.

The best way to know life is loving many things.

The more I think, the more I realize that there is nothing more artistic than to love people.

The difference between a person before and after falling in love is the same between a lit lamp and one erased. The lamp was there and it was good, but now, besides all, I radiates light, which is its true function.

By art, where you need time, it would be no bad to live more than one life.

I dream my painting, so I paint my dreams.

If you hear a voice inside you say “you can’t paint” anyway, paint, and it will be silenced.

How hard it is to be simple!

Someday death will lead us to another star.

The result of thought does not have to be the feeling, but the activity.

If you lost money, you lost little. If the honor has lost, it lost a lot. If you lost your courage, you lost everything.

Paintings have their own life that derives from the painter’s soul.

Everything that is accomplished with love is well done.

Love is something eternal. The aspect may change, but not the essence.

In just a decade, Van Gogh has recorded his tireless passion for painting. Meet another great artist with our quotes from Frida Kahlo. Enjoy and share your favorite!

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