30 messages from Iemanjá to honor this queen of the seas

The name Iemanjá comes from the terms Yèyé Omo Ejá, which means mother whose children are like fish in the Yoruba language. This is because Orixá is considered the queen of the sea for the African matrix religions. Also seen as the goddess of love, receives the title of Brazilian aphrodite. Check out beautiful quotes from Iemanjá and honor the owner of the waters!

Quotes from Iemanjá that show the power of this goddess of the seas

She lives in the sea, she plays in the sand. In the balance of the waves, peace she sows.

We throw pain in the sea and ask Iemanja to take.

Who has Iemanjá as a mother, has an ocean of protection.

Iemanjá, come wash our faith, who ogum father of the sun illuminate my way.

I’m from axé, I don’t deny my faith. I love to be from Iemanjá!

I am the son of Ogum, I am the son of Iemanjá. Whatever I am on earth, water or sea.

The sea borders lacy dreams to wear Iemanjá.

She is from Iemanjá. It is the charm of sea waves dance, it is the peace nook greeting Odoyá.

Just as the sea is immense, abundant are the blessings of my mother Iemanjá.

Queen of the waves, Mermaid of the Sea.

Iemanjá: the merciful mother who never leaves her children.

long hair in the wind, feet in the sand, heart in high seas. I’m the daughter of Iemanjá!

So I can find myself, I will dive into the waters of Iemanjá.

I am from the waves of Iemanjá, where bad feeling does not make home.

To be the daughter of Iemanjá is to have rooted in itself, is to want to embrace the problems of the world with their own arms, to feel the pain of the other.

Iemanjá protects who cares for the sea.

I am a daughter of the sea. Iemanjá guides me in Maré Mansa and the full tide too.

Today I will sing, I will praise in the sand on full moon my mother Iemanjá.

Save the silver shells, save who is here, save Mother Mermaid, Queen, Mother Iemanjá.

Wish for everything that comes white flowers, peace and Iemanjá.

I will ask Iemanjá to bring me a calm and quiet love like the low tide of the sea.

She ran to see the sea, asked for Iemanjá. I felt the wave hit and the breeze blow that the world is your home.

Iemanjá washed my soul in a sea bath.

It was her, in the waves of the sea, what a beautiful thing, Mama Iemanjá. It was her, on the waves of the sea, extending her hands to bless me.

I asked for the blessing and the sea came to wet my feet. Odoyá, my mother, Odoyá!

February 2, day of celebration at sea. I want to be the first to greet Iemanjá!

My crown is made of sea shells, my mother is Queen Iemanjá.

I came to ask for the strength and blessings of Iemanjá, love to guide me.

Look at her on the waves of the sea, what a beautiful thing, Mama Iemanjá.

Iemanjá, beautiful mermaid, goddess of beauty, bathes my body, cleans my soul and renews my spirit.

If you are the son of Iemanjá, surely water with salt is able to calm you down. Then also check out our selection of sea quotes to clean the soul.

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