30 messages about who I am that define my personality

Talking about yourself is sometimes a challenging task. So if you are looking for incredible versions of the person who is, check out these inspiring quotes from who I am who dialogue with your personality and show a little more of your main qualities. And so, surprise everyone who doesn’t know what to expect from you!

Quotes of who am I who introduce me to the world

Who am I? The joy of those who love me, the sadness of those who hate me and the occupation of those who envy me!

Let it be clear, my operation is like this: I prefer to suffer from the truth, than to delude myself with a lie.

I do not dare to give up in the first attempt, the best always comes after a lot of work.

I was not born to compete with others, but to overcome myself.

I tried to be normal, but I didn’t like it. Boring thing to take life so seriously, iron and fire.

Be careful that I changed some certainties, not to hurt you …

Who knows my life is me, the opinion of others is always unnecessary.

I am an eternal passionate about words, music and whole people. I don’t care about your last name, where you were born, how much it carries in your pocket. Empty people are boring and give me sleep.

I never give up, not even when my world is falling on my head. Do you know the reason? It’s because God takes care of me!

I know you may not have much of me on you, but I sure carry many qualities in my heart.

Who am I? It depends … who you are asking, the season of the year and how long I am without eating.

And a man doesn’t define me, my house doesn’t define me, my flesh doesn’t define me, I’m my own home!

I’m no better than anyone, but I try to be better than myself. Always looking for my best version!

When you want to talk about me, it exaggerates, because I like to impact.

That life brings me good things, but above all, God gives me a soul that never loses faith and hope.

Negative things do not come to me, God is my shield.

If I could open my head, put everything out. And tidy up everything like a drawer …

I have all the dreams of the world in me.

I am the one who wakes up after a dream, gets up after a fall and smiled after a disappointment.

At the end of the day, I always laugh. And I don’t lose my strange habit of having faith in life!

You laugh at me because I am different, and I laugh at you for being exactly all the same.

I seek to have the gift of feeling and seeing only the good side of each being. The rest is rest, it does not enrich us at all.

For those who try to stop me, a warning: I’m without a brake and I will go to the end!

No opinion of yours will change my essence, just change what I really think about you.

I don’t care about what people think about me, because my personality is not made of opinions, but attitudes.

It has been difficult to be myself, because I don’t know exactly who I am.

There will always be someone to say that I do not fit, that I am not good enough. To them, I don’t hear!

I can’t speak low, I can’t laugh discreetly. Pleasure, this is me, with my defects and imperfections!

You don’t “find” nothing about my life … Strong hug!

I will not change anything by anyone but myself.

May these quotes of who I am help you recognize and define yourself as you deserve, that you see yourself as it really is.

For more creative and inspiring suggestions, check out these quotes about me that express your personality!

And so, surprise your followers with impactful words showing your numerous versions, because being just one is not worth it.

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