30 indigenous messages to learn from the wisdom of great leaders

Indians practice a culture of respect for nature and have a broad original wisdom. However, they still suffer prejudice and social discrimination. Check out and share indigenous quotes from thinkers, writers and Indians who fight to preserve their rights. Your support makes a difference. It is important to defend this cause and say no to silencing!

Indigenous citations that demonstrate the importance of diversity

There is no difference between the importance, the value, the meaning of whites and indigenous sciences.

Brazil needs to reconcile with its history; accept that it was “built” on a cemetery.

The most beautiful thing we have within ourselves is dignity.

In indigenous territory, silence is an millennial wisdom. We learned from the elders to hear, more than talking.

In mastering nature, Western man thinks he can come to happiness. In the context of indigenous society, however, happiness is put elsewhere and efforts are invested in other fields.

To be in a state of freedom is to be in a state of existence in peace, but only this stage is achieved when internal light is lit, clear and connected with the truth, wisdom, commitment, tolerance and respect for others. >

Attending white institutions does not mean empowering anything.

Pachamama, get up! Nature is yours.

The woman who hears her intuition, who perceives her dreams, who hears the inner voice of the old and the warrior women of her ancestry and who has the suspicious look of the suspicious, this is a threat to the natural predator of History and culture.

There is no “Indian face”, but an identity that makes us belonging to a people.

If people do not have deep bonds with their ancestral memory, with the references that support an identity, they will go crazy in this crazy world that we share.

da Cunhã came to us the best of indigenous culture. The personal cleanliness. The hygiene of the body. The corn. The cashew. The porridge.

Lie and manipulation put the lives of whole people at risk.

I think the universe has lost with the extermination of the indigenous people and their culture to the one that today inhabits.

Whites think the environment is “natural resource”, as if it were a warehouse where you go and take things, take things, take things.

As long as there is a herb, tree or river on the planet, we indigenous peoples will exist.

Indigenous knowledge consists of the silence of the winds, the corner of the birds, the pack of the leaves, the indigenous look, the Maracá balance and the firm foot.

And you, from the whites society, can also help in this struggle. First, trying to inquire more about the reality of each people. Understand the indigenous people.

Brazil was invaded and taken from the indigenous people of Brazil. This is the true story that really needs to be told.

We are being remembered that we are so vulnerable that if they cut our air for a few minutes, we die.

Whites need to look at their hearts in their hearts, the truth that exists and trying to hide.

have taken the lives of one of our leaders, but we women have the power to generate another ten.

Listen to what the old ones say. Pay attention to the speech of the old sages, for they keep the word creative.

If you talk to animals, they will talk to you and you will know each other.

my Indian heart, greet your Indian heart.

Now the brand that wants to explore the image of the Indians is this brand of mining, agribusiness, Agro is pop, all this capitalist bullshit. But the indigenous people will go through this.

To guarantee the rights of the Indians is to take care of nature.

We are an administrative problem for the Brazilian state. So he manages with this thing that is Funai.

Within us, we have guest warriors and villains, we have light and darkness, we have courage and fear, we have heaven and hell, we have joys and sorrows, we have life and death.

We women of all indigenous peoples have similar suffering. We suffer all kinds of violence and misery, we die in so many ways and in the name of this wealth that is there, in the hands of whom? Therefore, we need to unite our strengths, seek ways to collaborate in the struggle for land, culture, respect.

There is no more room for prejudice! Indigenous knowledge deserves respect. Also check out the quotes on diversity and share awareness.

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