25 fashion messages to admire the art of expressing yourself through clothes

Clothes are a great way to express themselves. With the colors, textures and shapes of the fabrics, it is possible to make an immensity of combinations in the body itself. So it’s as if we were a blank screen painted with clothes, a true work of art. Check out this selection of fashion citations and be inspired to be your own artist!

Fashion citations for those who rock the look

Trust what you wear!

Fashion comes out of fashion, the style never.

I always believed that fashion is not a mere instrument that embellies women, but something that ensures them, which gives them confidence.

Good taste is not purchased and style is not sold.

Draw badly and will notice the dress. Dress well and will notice the woman.

Fashion is a way of showing who you really are inside.

Forget the rules. If you like it, use it!

Style is wearing a party dress to go to McDonald’s and high heels to play soccer. It is personality, confidence and seduction.

Fashion is dressing according to what is on the rise. Style is to be yourself.

Being in fashion is being who you are.

Before and well dressed, than with someone who is not worth it!

The clothes will not change the world, the women who wear them will.

jeans and kindness never go out of fashion!

If no one is in your favor, that at least your clothes are.

Life is too short not to wear whatever you want!

style is to create your own fashion.

Don’t let fashion have you, but decide what you are and what you want to express by the way you dress or the way you live.

have already imagined the monotony of the world without the colors of fashion?

Always dress as if you were going to find your worst enemy.

Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream.

Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.

Every day is a parade and the world is your catwalk.

Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world.

First know who you are, then know how to adhere properly.

Who has style, makes fashion.

Following fashion and being on top of the last trends is wonderful. But, even better is to be in your own fashion, after all, what is the best look but the smile for being happy with yourself? These beauty quotes will inspire you to put you the best, check it out!

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