20 messages from the Mad Hatter to remember fondly

Among so many adventures of Alice, the Mad Hatter is one of the most beloved characters in both books and movies. The character delights with his charisma, madness and friendship, conveying important messages to all who accompany him. Check out the best quotes of the Mad Hatter and choose your favorite!

Quotes of the Crazy Hatter with his follies and thoughts

What is the similarity between a crow and a desk?

The secret, dear Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make you smile your heart. It is then, only then that you will be in Wonderland.

Anyone can travel by train or on horseback, but the best way to travel is on a hat.

What is the grace to be normal? After all, the madmen who are highlights.

If I had one world of mine, everything would be silly. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it is not. And, on the contrary, what it is, it would not be. And what wouldn’t be, it would be. Understand?

One thing I found out: the wind is a huge amount of breathable air.

If I knew the time well, I wouldn’t talk about losing it.

You were much more much. You have lost your very much.

In the gardens of memory, in the Palace of Dreams. This is the place where we are going to see each other.

When I woke up this morning, I knew who I was, but I think I’ve changed many times since then.

Why are you always too small or too big?

You’re very late, you know? Taken! Well, finally, time was offended and stopped passing, did not make even tic or tac.

The time for you seems to be very confusing.

It was good for you to arrive, because I just warmed water for tea.

friends… I’m working! I can’t pay tea to everyone.

Yes, you are crazy, crazy. But I will tell you a secret: the best people are like this.

Another thing I found out: laughing during the day makes you sleep better at night.

It was time to forgive and forget or forget and forgive. Whatever comes first or the most convenient.

They say that to survive, you need to be crazy like a hatter. What luckily: I am.

Do not take the mirror so seriously. True beauty is inside you.

After remembering the most striking moments of this amazing character, how about reviewing the adventures he faced? Check out our quotes from Alice in Wonderland and enjoy!

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