105 RAP messages for those looking for the perfect beat

It is no use looking at heaven with much faith and little fight.

No need to hunt much to find joy, she is sometimes hidden in everyday things.

Wherever you are, whatever, have faith because even in the dump is born flower.

Everything I ask for in life is to be blessed, that every year without you bring me another 10 years on your side.

Do not understand what I am, does not understand what I do, does not understand the pain and tears of the clown.

Do not expect the future to change your life, because the future is the consequence of the present.

long life, small world, we will still meet.

Money in your pocket, God in the heart, united family and champagne to brothers.

It took time but today I can understand what real trickery is to live.

the kids who exchange the school, for the ballad, will see the effect when they have balancing in the cane.

The right, it is right in war or in peace.

For me the most valuable things are still for free: peace, love, freedom and an polite mind.

several ask if I’m okay, but few care about the answer.

Confidence is an ungrateful woman who kisses you and hugs you, steals you and kills you.

Hand in the dough, nothing comes free, if I don’t do it for me, there is no one to do it!

Be willing to get out of scratch, and think: I don’t want to do what I can, I can do what I want.

The soul keeps what the mind tries to forget.

My dreams your dreams will never die. No one can stop you from winning.

The educated mind is that … puts you in advantage with class, style.

I know who counts a tale increases a point, and your sharp tongue never gives me a discount!

Nothing in this life is impossible for me, I was born to conquer.

I wanted to end with a heavier rhyme, but if I can’t say ‘I love you’, I prefer not to say anything.

God helps, it is true, go in faith, not in luck.

Inspiration Visit me, frustration avoid me, peace accompany me and charge don’t irritate me.

It is not the sword that forms a warrior, my father taught me to be using bricklayer hoe.

Everything that comes easy, goes easy. This is the law of nature!

Humility is not declaring yourself small. Humility is to recognize your strength and weaknesses and, before that, seek your best.

You can only talk about love who loves.

rap for me is the same as siren on the asphalt. I hear the noise from afar and already put my hands high.

Flowers are beautiful anywhere in the world. A lot of people have shape, but have no content.

Instead of trying to change the world, change the impossible, change your life, change your surroundings, change your family, always for the better.

The worst prison, thief, is that of mind!

May it be eternal as long as it lasts, that lasts forever. These are key words, I want you to remember.

My best friend, my goddess, my muse, abuse me, I use me, maybe she even seduces you. Then you see that this is the life of an MC, falls in love with someone who will never betray you …

You have to read, learn, learn to think. To sing anything is better not even singing.

What do you want not to always match what the other feels.

Don’t be brooding out what’s inside you. No more suffering, say what you have to say.

We adapted to the fierce world. Now it’s time to make the world adapt to us.

Humility is not declaring yourself small. Humility is to recognize your strength and weaknesses and, before that, seek your best.

Let’s live our dreams, we have so little time.

When we change, the world changes with us, and we change the world with the change of mind; In the change of attitude there is no bad that does not change or disease without cure, the change of attitude we get safer, in the change of the present we shape the future.

I lived for twenty years without knowing that it existed, but after losing you is difficult to live for twenty days!

I preserve her just as she preserves me, if I don’t know where to go, let her take me. For her I sing, I laugh, I live, I find in her several traps from which I dodge.

If green were really hope, the forests would not be ending.

You will look at me, judge me, draw hasty conclusions, but still won’t know me.

It’s NĂªga .. I was moving the drawer, I found your ring earring and that black clip, damn black clip that reminded me.

I make my difficulty my motivation.

It’s easy to speak, it is difficult to be me, if your star doesn’t shine, it will complain to God.

If you have a problem with me, talk to me, in my face, not to others.

A lot of real is said in a joke.

Value its origin, but cherish more for its character because color is just a detail, for those who believe in truth humility, loyalty and perseverance brings victory …

Before I even smiled, today I see the full glasses and the empty people.

The secret of world peace is each one to take care of your life …

Sometimes the path of healing can be the disease, and the path of forgiveness is sometimes the sentence.

Yesterday, today and formerly. It comforts to know that it does not go forever. After the new day, it will be different.

How can the death of an artist be tragedy, while the death of millions only statistics?

Again the hope in the backpack I put it, how long we still have to realize our dreams.

While seeking the meaning of life, I live her.

Focus on what you have and not what you will have or had.

You have to have faith, maybe it’s time not expecting to happen as soon as it is.

Life is not the problem, it is battle, challenge; Each obstacle is a lesson, I ad.

Even when I was alone, my faith did not abandon me, God always comforted me.

I was always a dreamer, that’s what keeps me alive.

Money takes a man out of misery, but he cannot pull out the favela.

Life teaches, try to learn, let’s live, whatever you have for you.

Who’s with me for the time, can count on me for the time it is! In wealth, poverty, joy or pain!

Grids will never arrest our thinking.

I won’t judge you, but put yourself in my place, and if it were the opposite. Can you imagine? So without comments!

Nothing in this life is impossible for me, I was born to conquer!

Don’t be afraid to try, many of us die with the OPEN OPPORT GOAL IN FRONT!

It’s not just seeing and judging!

where respect, friendship goes to the trash!

To help not come one, I know. But to delay there is a hundred!

There are kind of people who have not learned yet. Which is from the ugly caterpillar, which is born the beautiful butterfly.

Go, look what you have around. It is worth it? So get up, give your best!

It’s full of door to break in if someone wants to close. It will not prevent me from getting there, no matter the place …

Honesty will never be too much. Your morals are not gained, it is done!

No need to hunt much to find joy, she is sometimes hidden in everyday things.

The cheap is crazy, you have to be crazy than cheap …

I didn’t even lose a chance, some of them who lost me.

Do you want respect? So know to be humble anywhere.

I keep the faith that this game will turn.

I hear about this breath of life telling me not to trust others.

I am always missing you. Before goodbye, I’m already missing you ..

Life taught me never to give up. Neither win nor lose but try to evolve.

I can’t breathe, but I will fight as long as I can fight.

If one day you need me I’ll be here for you, if one day you need something, just ask, I’ll be here.

The desire to see you is greater than anything, there are no distances in my new world.

If living requires courage then, live to be happy and not live in vain.

How many black people comes with the little finger asking for peace, give me a hug ahead and a stab behind.

To delay there are many, to advance is that there are few.

What I learned in life is that each one takes care of his.

We are slaves of our own lack of attitude.

Predict future is also to predict miss.

Trickster who is a trickster, never gives up.

Not everyone who dreamed could do it, but to make it necessary to dream.

Be yourself, but not always the same.

Friendship is the seed that I rego, the amulet that I carry and feed my belief.

Lose me, find me with every wind that blows.

Do, my mood that is vulnerable, seems more malleable.

Each day is a chance to be better than yesterday.

long life, small world, we will still meet.

navigating it is necessary but the routine tires you …

Life is so not predictable.

For those who have faith life never has an end.

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