100 Carnival messages that will cheer you up for the 3 days of festivities

Are you already feeling the party atmosphere? Carnival is coming! It is impossible not to wait for the most anticipated holiday. It’s time to plan with friends, prepare the plates and get ready for the 3 days of revelry, whether on street blocks, on a trip or relax alone. Put that costume and check out the best carnival quotes for you to get into the vibe!

Funny Carnival Quotes

What I don’t remember Carnival, I didn’t do it.

Stop posting that “Carnival promises”. Your mother doesn’t even let you out.

The time is coming when true love ends and comes back at the end of the carnival.

Do you know what my mother will dress up in this carnival? Of your mother -in -law.

Block of “I surpassed until I see you again”.

Now run after job just run after the blocks.

If there is a good thing at Carnival, it is called “holiday”.

jealousy is not proof of love, proof of love is to give a passage to pass carnival in Bahia in a luxury hotel.

After Carnival comes the blocks: “Back to me” and “United to find the father”.

calls me electric trio and comes after me!

Carnival coming and “I love you” turning “we are not working”

If dating was good, carnival would be empty.

Carnival without money for fantasy … I think I’m going with my really angel face.

In this carnival, I’m dressed as Uber … I get you when?

In this carnival, don’t leave the kisses you can give me tomorrow.

You are not samba school, but in my parade your grade is 10

I will jump the block “Hey, at home”. I’m going to parade all the wings: bedroom, living room, kitchen …

I’m in an anxiety just for Carnival. Note: I won’t even leave home.

It’s time to find glitter even in your subconscious … Come, Carnival!

I only have one doubt about this next carnival: what pajamas am I going to use?

Carnival quotes for photos

Do you know what healing sadness? Carnival!

Carnival is the soul fantasizing in poetry.

I wish I could take the carnival revelry for the rest of the year.

Today is a day of revelry. Today I sing to forget.

Wednesday will be ashes because it will be what will be left of the flames of this intense carnival!

my body plot

asking for your


Carnival can be once, but my brightness lasts all year round.

I have an angel face, but I hope to show you what the devil taught me at Carnival.

Carnival is a state of the soul. My heart is a Sapucaí parading the best feelings.

My sign is carnival with ascendant in Salvador.

In the strings and halls, a thousand revelers like me. Carnival is like this: endless emotion.

I will love you from March to January, because February is Carnival.

Come on I show you than carnival is done!

and there was rumors that I would not jump the carnival.

I only seen fantasy at Carnival; For you, I realize them all year long.

Don’t get me wrong, take me to enjoy 3 days of revelry at Carnival.

That the brevity of Carnival becomes an intensity of unforgettable moments!

I’m saving myself when the carnival arrives.

Carnival: 3 few days of parties for a whole year of joy

opens wings to your greatest fantasies … Carnival has arrived!

Carnival Quotes 2024

In this carnival 2024, living a lot and posting little.

What the carnival has united nobody separates!

Don’t be sad, carnival exists.

This is not carnival … I call “paradise”!

Carnival 2024 And I was not just a master-room, but also bedroom, kitchen, bathroom …

My fantasy at Carnival 2024 was to have you one day …

In 2024, I just think of it … at Carnival!

There are evils that only carnival can heal.

After a 2024 Carnival with me, you will never want to leave alone anymore!

Who wants job, look for me, because I will do work at Carnival 2024!

Tip: Carnival is once a year, but my kisses can be for life. Come make my life your revelry!

glitter, block and a lot of revelry: that carnival is done!

Come and I get a warm to Carnival!

Carnival, who does it do? Carnival is the reveler.

What the parties promised, Carnival 2024 fulfilled!

That everything that has been bad become confetti to decorate our carnival!

For those who love a revelry, there is no bad time.

In my trio, I leave you electric.

My flesh is carnival, my heart is the same.

New Year starts after Carnival, so … Happy 2024!

Quotes for Carnival Block

calls me carnival that I show what is revelry, baby!

I’m not Netflix, but come marathoning my series of kisses.

marital status: in a serious relationship with the carnival block.

What happens in the block, dies in the block.

marital status: waiting for you to get to me.

I want to put my block on the street, wagon to give and sell.

Comes to my block that I make your life a revelry!

No ex or current, let the carnival block come!

revelers from all over Brazil, in the block, united!

If love rejects you, you can let the block accept you. #vemprobloquinho

I’m fantasized with “love of your life”.

It has to be today, tomorrow I don’t come.

Today I don’t even find me!

Don’t get the bag, fill me with glitter and kisses.

You are not Allah-L-Ó, but what a heat!

My fantasy is to take you.

In the block, I trawle in the hearts.

Pleasure, your love of Carnavrau!

mom, I want… but it’s not a pacifier!

Opens your wings that I want to pass!

Carnival quotes for school

In this block, there is no shortage of joy!

I’m jumping carnival, but I want to “jump” from the year.

Peace, carnival, football, does not kill, do not get fat and does not hurt.

It’s not samba school, but here you live the joy!

revelry, we see here!

Who said you do not learn samba in high school?

The only bad part of Carnival is when it ends.

explodes, heart, in the greatest happiness.

In this school, the samba that plays is knowledge.

May life become carnival: a great parade of joys

ô opens wings that I want to pass.

This is the block I like.

It’s Carnival! My smile will shine more than the glitter.

Put your best fantasy and fall into our revelry!

I’m not master-room, but I deserve grade 10!

Spread joy like confetti.

Life is the best carnival and you are our reveler.

May the joy of carnival remain all year in room!

I don’t leave, nobody takes me out of here.

revelry. NOTE: 10!

Ah, the carnival! Summer, lots of music, amazing moments, glitter and fantasy, reasons for moving the body or enjoying the quiet as you want… it’s just bad when it ends! Three days of joy that could last a lifetime for the revelers on duty.

They say that the year in Brazil only starts after this so -called national holiday, so declare your “happy new year” and don’t leave the magic of this celebration to erase you.

What’s up? Already cheered up with these quotes to enjoy and record moments in your carnival? The truth is: not only three days ago the reveler lives! Check out excited party quotes to live the out -of -season revelry and prepare for the next block.

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