65 All Souls’ Day messages that reflect on death and longing

Souls’ Day is the time of year reserved to remember dear people who have already left but rather left an unforgettable brand in their lives. November 2nd is involved in much nostalgia, longing, message of mourning, sadness and especially a lot of love. Remember striking stories with day -to -dialing citations and pay tribute to those who will always live on you.


Souls’ Day serves to remember the people who are gone, but have eternally marked our life with love.

Between sighs and cries, on the day of all, we relive the mourning of the loss and gratitude of having met unforgettable people.

Death has no final word. On All Souls’ Day, let us remember that a person may have died, but their ideals and values ​​continue to throb in us.

On November 2, memories become presence. There is no death for those who are in true life.

Souls’ Day gives us the longing for having people so dear to us that they did us so well.

Death opens doors to true life without pain or suffering. May the day of the Souls make eternal in us those who love and increase our desire to aspire to life beyond this.

O death, where is your victory if the Lord of life has conquered us for eternal life? On All Souls’ Day, we celebrate the deceased who can now see God face to face and fully live the life that will never be taken from them.

On the day of all, the past and present blend by building today.

I miss those who are gone. That on this day of the souls they find the peace of the eternal rest!

That, through prayer, I can join my deceased on this day of all souls!

I live this day of all souls in the hope of eternal life, to honor all that I learned from those who are gone!

The melancholy of All Souls’ Day mixes with joy of remaining alive and remembering the goodness that the deceased sowed in us.

Souls’ Day reminds us that life can be brief, but intense enough to mark the history of the other with signs of eternity.

Life is too short for so much love. May the day of the souls join us with our deceased through the memories and the certainty of the existence of the sky softens the pain of longing. Soon we will be together with those we love.

On the day of all, the people who have been watched especially for us so that death does not prevent us from living a life with meaning.

On the day of the souls, let us remember that “death is the gate of life.”

Death does not have the final word. On November 2, we celebrated those who entered for eternity, reached the grace to be before the Lord of life.

The day of souls installs us in the mystery that is life. Death is just a passage, the beginning of a story that will no longer end.

The brevity of life is revealed on this All Souls’ day. Let us honor the memory of our deceased loved ones.

Respecting the dead is an act of delicacy, of memory to a past that is still present on the day of all.

On the day of all, we realize that life only makes sense in the face of death. Making memory of the deceased entities makes us live fully.

To keep someone’s memory is keeping it alive inside us. The day of all reinforces this importance.

You have to die to bear fruit! May the memory of our deceased sow good in us and teach us to honor the legacy they have left.

For death, now I know, is the first sigh that our souls breathe when we enter life, which is the center of all life.

Death is not the last rest, but the beginning of the true awakening. On the day of all, we thank God for giving ourselves with the gift of life of each deceased and leading them to the life that will never end.

I’m sure he would know how to say the right words if he was here. Every day of all I miss him. In me, he lives.

On this day of all, we set aside time to thank all the love and protection coming from our deceased who follow alive in us.

There are no days of souls who are not marked by longing.

The people who were part of our creation are the ones who bring us the most memories and longing on the day of the Souls.

No days of souls is easy, but also lies in it the joy of having been part of the lives of people we love.

On this day of all, let us remember that death is not the end, but the beginning of the unknown.

The heart squeezes this day of all souls like tears. Relieves knowing that his kindness follows as an indelible mark in our lives.

On the last day, I know we’ll be united. May the day of the souls remind us that there is no death, what is there is forgetfulness.

On the day of all, we revived our story with past loves that will reverberate forever and ever.

On the day of all, we think of every person who has gone through our lives and left a mark of hope and longing.

Souls’ Day is a reminder, points out that the realization of immortality begins in our memory not to allow our deceased to leave. They live in us!

On this All Souls’ day, remember that life can be uncertain, but memories next to those we love are eternal.

In prayer, we are more united than ever. May the deceased find the peace that the world could never give them, they can enjoy the eternal rest before God!

There is nothing more eloquent than the silence of the day of the late to denounce so many waste committed in existence. Do not expect the end point of death to change your life.

On the day of the souls, let us turn our eyes to death that leads us to meditate on life.

Souls’ Day is the gift of being able to revisit the most beautiful memories.

Souls’ Day allows our thoughts to wag for memories that bring us longing, sadness and love.

November 2 is the day to face death not as a cause of sadness, but celebration of a well -lived story that sowed hope wherever it went.

The day of the souls is suitable to reflect our finitude, because of dust we came and, to dust, we will come back, but leaving a legacy.

Souls’ Day Wide that our life has no end, “for death is nothing more than a change from our time for eternity.”

My comfort is to know that all the sowed good in this passing journey bears fruit in eternal life. May the deceased find the proper rest!

There is a certainty in this life: death. On November 2, we meditated this reality and honor the history of those who allowed humanity to come here.

I make you live each time I remember which donation you loved us. On this day of all souls, I desire ardently that you rest in peace!

On this day of all souls, we remember those who left us physically to live in our memory, in our acts.

“To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.” May the day of the souls make us realize that death is not the end!

For the one who loved, there is no death that can separate us from the bell. On November 2, I remember with love and longing for your love legacy that moves my life.

On this day of all, my family members in this regret of having lost their presence and in the joy of understanding that death is not the end point. You live in us!

“Oh, that I can join the invisible choir of those immortal dead who live again.” On this day of all souls, in each memory, you live!

“After all, for the well organized mind, death is just the next great adventure.” May the day of the souls bring us the hope that in death there is something beyond the end.

On this day of all, remember that death is the beginning of eternal life.

When visiting the tomb of loved ones on the day of all, we see that a cemetery is nothing more than a garden whose sprouts open in flower in eternity.

On the day of all, realize that God is good because He does not deny anyone the privilege of enjoying the beauty of closing your eyes forever and enjoying the invaluable happiness that follows.

On this day of all souls, may the souls of our deceased loved ones always know true happiness wherever they are.

spoke well who said graves are angels footprints.

On the day they have, “people don’t die for us immediately, but they remain bathed in a kind of aura of life.”

To accept the reality of death is to open true life, it is childbirth for eternity. That the prayers of the day of the Souls are aborting the longing and bring us closer to the deceased loved ones.

Souls’ Day is made for prayer, honor the deceased, relieve the penalties of purgatory and remember those who have passed in our lives sowing love, they approached God Himself.

Our deceased make the day of the souls a moment to rethink life in the face of death and the legacy of love left that we must honor.

Of all the gifts with which God has blessed humanity, death is the most beautiful, for it is the passage to eternal life and rest far from this valley of tears.

longing for the people who are gone, who took a little piece of our hearts, who are missing every day … good it would be if they were here!

On this day of all, our prayers are the means of giving those who bring to our memory the hope of eternal life.

Souls’ Day brings everyone a present reality to all, death. According to Christian tradition, the deceased faithful who have entered the eternal life celebrates. Sometimes they need prayers to relieve the penalties of purgatory and, then purgated the imperfections of the soul, are soon before God Himself.

For those who remain, there is a mix of feelings in the face of death. Not always all look at her with the eyes of faith that perceive eternity in each situation, even adverse. The pain of longing needs to be filled by good memories of the love that overcomes death and softened by the hope of eternal life.

Facing a mourning is one of the most difficult pains in life. Every gesture of affection coming at this moment comes as a comfort to the suffering. With the quotes of death, you will meditate this human condition so painful and find the right words to comfort those who need.

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