60 status messages in Spanish that will bring the charm of the language to networks

Spanish is a wonderful language! Loaded with your unique charm, you have the potential to bring messages about how we feel or who we are specially. For this reason, bringing a Spanish sentence to social networks can bring more charm to your profile, making it even more unique. In this sense, check out Spanish citations for status!

Spanish quotes for perfect status to express feelings differently

El Dolor de Corazón if he is all of the cuerpo … (Heart pain feels all over the body …)

quiero that someone venga y cambie mi way to see el world, so needed. (I want someone to change my way of seeing the world, I need it.)

el that will be arañar a la luna, arañará el corazón. (He who wants to scratch the moon will scratch his heart.)

All unión if I barely confine. If it ends, ends La Unión. (Every union is based on trust. If it ends, the union ends.)

where in Pedas love, in Te Demores. (Where you can’t love it, don’t take long.)

Waiting, El Nudo Deshace y La Mature Fruit. (Waiting for the knot, and the fruit matures.)

Las Evil Hermosas in Brillan as much as Los Ojos de Mi Amado. (The most beautiful stars do not shine as much as the eyes of my beloved.)

La Sincillez de Un Feeling in the annulment su se wealth. (The simplicity of a feeling does not nullify your wealth.)

Pligorously let you feel too much … Included by we feel safe, and then we are not in it. (It’s dangerous if you allow you too much … Even when we think it’s safe, we may not be.)

Life in the Esm bell is still succession of opportunities to survive. (Life is not if not a succession of opportunities to survive.)

La Experiences ES UN BILLETE OF LOTERIA PURCHASED DELLY DELLY. (Experience is a lottery ticket bought after the draw.)

Follow the purpose of dios to numbers lives to veces and a challenge. (Following God’s purpose for our lives is sometimes a challenge.)

¡Hoy Sé that soy units mule mucho but furte of you I went before! (Today I know I’m a much stronger woman than one day I was!)

No te smes so much, cosas mejores succeeds you less. (Don’t try so hard, the best things happen when you least expect it.)

Acepto to pasar by tall muchas cosas, pero in what Hagan Dudar de la Mujer than soy. (I accept to go over a lot, but not that make me doubt the woman I am.)

yo in the travel by lleggar. I travel to go. (I do not travel to arrive. I travel to go.)

To be dumb, Hay who does not to be sorted. (In order not to be mute, we must start not being deaf.)

Sigrep Debes add something to someone’s life, never dismiss. (You always need to add to someone’s life, never decrease.)

me gustas y about all me gusta there for the way you have. (I like you and, above all, I like the way you make me feel.)

si falls me, because it is walking. Y walk is worth it, Auguiro te. (If I fell, it’s because I was walking. And walking is worth it, even if you fall.)

La Duda takes over all los coozones, pero there sure sigrere should be Mayor. (Doubt takes every heart, but certainty always needs to be greater.)

El Futuro de Los Niños Es Sigrepre Hoy. Mañana will be late. (The future of children is always today. Tomorrow will be late.)

El love is too cut y olve too wide. (Love is short and forgetting it is long.)

For love, sea en cualquier form, Haría Cualquier Cosa en El Mundo. (For love, be it in any way, I would do anything in the world.)

by deciding something, I decide yo mismad. EL REST LO DECIDES Tú MISMO. (When I decide something, I decide for me. The rest that decides on yourself.)

tengo un dí. If you enjoy it, tengo un tesoro. (I have a day. If I know how to enjoy it, I have a treasure.)

Pocas cosas son valuable as us at the time. (Few things are precious as we are in the eyes of God.)

I saw that you mirada ya Estaba llamándome, mulestrame el Camino that Yo Voy. (I saw that your gaze was already calling me, show me the way I’m going.)

no mem measures because at Los Leo. So that he learned because it is. (Don’t give me books as a gift because I don’t read them. What I learned is because I see.)

El Mejor Regalo that Pedes Darle to someone is present. (The biggest gift you can give to someone is to be present.)

La Perseverance ES La Mejor Weapon of Cualquier Human Being. (Perseverance is the best weapon of any human being.)

ESTOY AQUE WANTINGOTE, Ahogandome. Between photos y cuadernos, between Cosas y Recoerdos. (I’m here wanting you, drowning. Between photos and notebooks, between things and memories.)

we have the person that Otra Persona has hech by us, we are ungrateful, La Peor Clase de Elos. (If we forget what someone has done for us, we are ungrateful, the worst type of them.)

would delight me want to be less, broth I wanted to be able to vivir sin ti. (I would love to love you a little less, as I would like to be able to live without you.)

Las Letters I wrote, I never sent. You will not want to know Mi. (The letters I wrote, I never sent. You don’t want to know about me.)

solo yo sé el tamaño del amo y la Ira that siest in mi pecho, nadie more. Dios y yo. (Only I know the size of love and anger I feel in my chest, no one else. Me and God.)

La Esperanza Acaricia Included to Los Herid Corazones. (Hope squeezes even the most injured of hearts.)

con ÉL, te duele el corazón y conmigo te duelen los pies. (With him, your heart hurts and with me your feet hurt.)

La Peace that I have en mi corazón ahora mismo and so that he is experiencing in años. (The peace I feel in my heart right now is the best thing I have experienced in years.)

y yo me voy, Adiós, I went to me on me; Nothing detailed me, there, there is a cut. (And I’m leaving, bye, I left and I don’t care; nothing stops me here, short life.)

«For what did you heal me, you get Herido, if you will give me from nuevo el corazón partá? (Why did you heal me when I was injured, if today do you leave my heart broken again?)

A vece all so we need to be a vuelta, y un café … (sometimes all we need is a lap, and a coffee …)

I think that he is lushed to the punto in it that all was logged in the one who is so soy! (I feel that I arrived at a point where everything that was conquered represents a little of who I am!)

La Pluma Es La Lengua del Soul. (The pen is the language of the soul.)

Personas Personas Persona means mucho for us, pero never but what. (Other people can mean a lot to us, but never more than God.)

el that will be interested in the Los Demás Tiene who provokes. (Anyone who wants to be interesting to others should provoke them.)

unity of the mismanagement, little bad ones looks like the so that soinho de systa. (A woman is authentic when she looks like the image she dreams of having her own.)

Felicidad for the state of an emotion! (Happiness for me is a state of mind!)

Because I never Dudé, Dios rewards me. (Because I never doubted, God rewarded me.)

soy el desperate, la Palhabra sin ecos, El who is all over, y el that all so tuvo. (I am desperate, the word without echo, the one who had everything and who lost everything.)

all so that siest y es nuevo, lo singu con mayor intensidad. (Everything I feel and is new, I feel more intensely.)

La Sabiduría in the llega cuando ya in us nothing. (Wisdom comes to us when it is no longer good.)

La Sonrisa Es El Armados Mápro that Tengo to Team Team Against Las Penas de La Vida. (The smile is the most powerful weapon I have to equip myself against the sorrows of life.)

misidhe solo quieren scanching you numb … (My ears just want to know how to hear your name …)

In all the love of the world llena el corazón of Quienes Creen en el Bien Supreme. (Not all the love of the world fills the heart of those who believe in the supreme good.)

Positive Sea, La Positivo people attract Otros, La Negative People Los Repel. (Be positive, positive people attract others and repel negative people.)

Each chapter of nude life is unique, ¡Estoy enamorado del a viviendo! (Every chapter of our life is unique, I’m in love with the one I’m living!)

you pear Enemigo no te you can do as well as thy tus thoughts. (Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts.)

Cosechando Las Semellas de Lo that plants both Cariño. (Reaping the seeds than so affectionately planted.)

In the Mucho, pero coozco muy bien mi value! (I don’t know much, but I know my value very well!)

How good it is to talk about who we are and how we are through a beautiful language like Spanish! To continue doing it, also check out love quotes in Spanish and talk about the most beautiful of feelings!

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