55 messages of patience to deal with the day’s situations more calmly

Patience is a virtue admired by many, but not all people can apply in life. This is because it takes a lot of self -control to keep calm at times when something is bothering us or when things do not go the way we imagine.

Thinking about it, we made a list of patience quotes that will help you reflect on the situations of your life and show you that you can deal with them patiently, as this will also be positive for you. Read, reflect and put them into practice as soon as possible.

Patience and Calm Quotes

Things in the world have happened very fast and we get used to wanting everything to be immediate. However, it is often necessary calm and patience to make something realize, the following quotes talk a little about it. Check it out:

Patience and time give more result than strength and anger.

Have faith and patience, because if today is dark maybe it is for you to better see the light tomorrow.

Have patience with your heart. Certain things take time to be understood.

Things will be fine, all we need is a little patience.

Being patient is a virtue and sometimes good things happen to those who know how to wait.

I learned from life that patience and calm are great virtues.

If you have patience, you will see your pain transformed into joy.

Sometimes we need to have confidence and courage to take a risk. In others, all we need is of patience and calm.

Calmness helps to clearly see the situation. Patience transforms the difficult situation easy to solve.

We expect the world and the world expects us a little more patience.

Nothing needs haste. Just patience.

Patience is the art of knowing how to wait.

Patience quotes has limit

Patience is a virtue that must be cultivated, but you also need to know your limits and know how far you can (and need) to endure. The quotes we selected will help you think about it:

Everything in life has its limit – including patience.

We are not required to endure everything. Patience has a limit, and life is to be lived and not supported.

If patience has limits, so I’m a record holder, because I’ve exceeded them all!

Patience is something that runs out, so recharge!

Patience has a limit. Sometimes it even lasts a long time, but it has a limit!

Do not abuse the patience of good people. These are people who can forgive you a thousand times, but they are also those who when they decide to leave, they no longer come back.

There is a limit where patience is no longer a virtue.

Patience has a limit when there is no love.

Patience has a limit and guess what? You have achieved it!

Don’t be so insistent. Patience always has a limit.

Funny Patience Quotes

In this category, you will find funny quotes about patience that show that we can’t always keep it in all situations. You will identify yourself!

Patience is everything … Everything I don’t have!

For a world where people twist my calories and not my patience.

Education I have. What I don’t have is patience.

My second name is patience … and the first is without!

I have no patience even to wait for the two minutes of the microwave, will I have patience with you?

Patience is equal inventory: lasts until it is over.

Patience is the same money: I don’t have it, and when I have it, add fast.

If I had patience, I don’t remember.

Level of patience: waiting for the humiliated to be exalted.

Please do not test my patience. I already tested and does not work.

My patience is the same as my cell phone, it is always carrying.

I’m almost sure my patience was in my mother’s womb.

Patience citations for status

Your status is a great place to share messages with all your contacts. The following patience quotes are ideal for this and will help your friends reflect on how they have acted. Share right now!

Be patient, good things take time!

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet!

Patience makes it lighter what affliction cannot heal.

He who has patience will have what he wants.

Patience and perseverance has the magical effect of making difficulties disappear and obstacles disappear.

Patience is the best weapon to support everything that doesn’t depend on you.

There is no place for wisdom where there is no patience.

With hope and patience, any path is easier to go.

Everything will be solved well for itself, all we need is a little patience.

There is no problem that cannot be solved by patience.

Being in readiness is good, having patience is better, but knowing how to wait for the right moment is everything.

Patience Quotes in Love

In a relationship, besides love it is also necessary a lot of patience to deal with their partner and situations involving the couple. The following quotes talk about the need for patience in love, put them into practice in your life!

With love and patience, nothing is impossible.

Be patient. Love is the only feeling that never comes. He is already in us.

Sometimes, it is not love that ends, but patience.

That love never lacks, but it does not lack patience either.

Everything fits a little patience. In pain and love.

Love is a fight, discussions, divergence of opinions. But above all, it is patience and willingness to stay together.

Love is proportional to patience. The more you have, the more you love.

Patience with others is love. Patience with yourself is hope. Patience with God is faith.

Patience is also a virtue of those who love. Knowing how to respect the moment, space, and trusting the loved one is one of the best ways to show your love for her.

To love someone is to work the patience. Is to emphasize persistence and prove all its determination.

Now that you have checked our selection with patience quotes and are willing to apply them in your life, we have separated another list with peace quotes that will help you lead your life more calmly! >

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