50 messages of peace and light to energize your life with good things

In life, we need to fill ourselves with good things to be able to cross the darkest moments. Therefore, feeding our light is fundamental because only it overcomes darkness. With that in mind, we have selected the best peace and light quotes that will make your life lighter and more energized. Check it out and shine stronger and harder!

Quotations of peace and light that will inspire you to shine more and more


Faith radiates our life and fills us with peace with who knows that things can work out.

Peace is conquered when we let our light shine stronger and stronger.

I just need peace and light to be well. The rest, we can do over time.

Let your inner light turn your life into a immense peace of peace.

The more the sun shines, the more it warms our lives and gives us peace.

May we vibrate peace and illuminate other people’s lives with our inner light.

Those who vibrate at the right frequency bring light and peace wherever it goes.

In our life, who enlightens us is the same who gives us peace: God!

Be peace, be love, be light, be all that is good!

Even in dark days, I wish your light shine so much that your peace will remain intact!

We should not be afraid of life, we should only allow our light to shine us giving us peace and pushing fear away.

When your internal light decreases, let the sun light your day and bring you peace.

May peace invade your heart and make your light increasingly bright and stronger.

There is a certain peace that only comes from love and it is she who illuminates our whole life.

The important thing is to be light and let peace take over all our decisions.

I want to shine more and increasingly strong. I want my light to guide my steps to the peace that no one can steal.

When we are at peace with who we are, our light brightens to the heaviest darkness.

The important thing is not to lose peace even when everything seems like chaos. At these times, our light shines more and takes over us.

Be light and peace and you will be the joy that invades the hearts of all who live with you.

Light and Peace are with you and will fill your life with the purest happiness.

There is no greater happiness than knowing that our heart is at peace because it has found the place that makes our light shine more.

You are your own peace and your own light. So no one can destabilize you.

Who believes in peace, always reaches because it illuminates your way with what is good and with what leads you to happiness.

Everyone looks more beautiful when he is at peace and lets his light shine.

May you find the peace of shining who you are and be loved for it.

Being yourself will give you peace and allow many people to know the beautiful light that shines in your heart.

Focus your energies in your peace and light, and the rest will be resolved.

Everything looks more beautiful in the right light and it is inside you. Find it and will have peace!

Vibre peace, emanate light, surround yourself with love and find happiness.

The light that shines in you will bring you peace and will be greater than any darkness that tries to reach you!

You may not see, but in your heart there is a light that can bring you peace. Look inside and get to know yourself.

It is the light of self -knowledge that makes peace so light and true.

You are my light and my peace. Your love has done miracles in my heart.

Being light is about illuminating your way and knowing where you want to go, it is not about shining stronger than other people. It just takes our peace!

You are the light that will take you to the end of the tunnel and rescue your peace!

Be light, peace and hope anywhere life plants you.

Those who cultivate light and peace in the heart flourish much more and much better.

Sunlight brings peace to those who believe it always comes back.

Never hide your light. Hide who we are only takes our peace.

Offer light and people will find the way.

It takes love to be able to pulse. It takes peace to be able to smile.

Do not doubt the value of life, peace, love, the pleasure of living, finally, everything that makes life flourish.

So I bring your truths in my chest, my Lord. Peace and light to hug and know where I go.

Peace, Peace, Peace I Wish You Peace and Light, not the way of the world, but the way of Jesus.

and I will tell her that she is the light that brings me peace.

I have light, faith, peace within me. And whatever has to be, it has to be, delivered and accepted.

Give me your hand, we are brothers. Let’s walk, seek in heavenly light, universal peace.

I prefer to lose war and gain peace.

Every good action you practice is a light that you light around your own steps.

May your life be full of peace and a lot of joy. To keep shining wherever, see our light quotes and illuminate!

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