50 messages about time and life to reflect on our choices

Living every second intensely – this is the purpose that pulsates in who knows that time goes by and no longer comes back. To reflect even more about this theme, check out our selection with the best quotes about time and life and get inspired to do your best in everyday life!

Quotations about time and life that will bring poetry to your daily life

Time, can I ask you a second? Stay a little, stay a little more … I know, I’m not so patient with you. Let it stay a little, stay a little more …

time = life. Therefore, waste your time or life, or control your time and control your life.

Time, you are one of the most beautiful gods.

Do you love life? So do not waste your time, for it is time that life is done.

Let’s live our dreams, we have so little time.

Time is the currency of your life. It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful not to allow other people to spend for you.

Every second is time to change everything forever.

Time proves the value of each one for the things we live and we have in common.

I wish I had come back in time, not missing what makes you missing. Today, I have everything I could want, but money is not everything – I have a lot to do.

Every verb that is strong is conjugated in time.

We are all enrolled in the great school of life, where the great master is time!

There is an important thing to consider about life: she has her time for each one.

Life teaches us how to make time, while time teaches us the value of life.

Every day when I agree I have no time since it has passed, but I have a lot of time … We have all the time in the world.

I’m not a lord of time, but I know it will rain … I feel very well when I get you!

Life teaches and time brings the tone to be born a song. With faith in everyday I find solution …

You need to take breaks. Life requires intervals. No tree bears fruit all year round, no plants bloom in all seasons. Give yourself time.

Life has ups and downs from the moment you reach the moment you leave.

I made a peaceful coexistence agreement over time. Neither he pursues me nor I run away from him. One day we meet.

Time doesn’t stop! Only the longing makes things stop in time.

Like anything that is worthwhile in life, happiness takes time, patience and consistency.

Time is life by itself, and life lies in the human heart.

Life is some duties we brought to do at home. When you see, it’s already 6 hours: there is time… When you see, it’s already 6th… When you see, 60 years have passed! Now, it’s too late to disapprove… and if you gave me – one day – another opportunity, I didn’t even look at the clock: I always went on… and I would play the gilded and useless peel of the hours.

When will life be good? How long lost waiting for nothing? When I pay the bills or that work, finally, roll … Will it improve?

Happiness is on the way. Enjoy every moment you have, especially if you have joys to share with someone … Time does not expect anyone.

Time friend, be cool. I count on you at dawn … just knock me down at the end.

longing eternalizes the presence of who is gone. Over time this pain is paid, it becomes silence that it expects, by the arms of life a day to meet again.

What if every moment of life came with a second chance?

Live your life and enjoy every second of it. After all, time is a mystery and a gift – that never stops passing.

Time does not expect anyone – when you least realize, it has passed and your life as well. So don’t waste you!

I don’t want to live forever, I just want to enjoy every second of life by your side.

calm! Everything has your time – day after day, week after week and one step at a time. This is how life is teaching us and showing its wonders.

Do not let fear dominate your life. Live one day at a time and never be afraid.

The best things that happen in life are the result of the time, the universe and the power that your dreams emanate.

Time passes so quickly … Soon it ends, barely begins. I’m in a hurry, I won’t look back.

Life is strange and complex, but at the same time, very simple. It is a matter of perception.

Everything in this life is a matter of time. I learned that, as hard as it is, one day pain passes, longing soothes, disappointment teaches, and life continues.

Time is life passing, and life no longer comes back. To waste time is to waste life. Failing to advance because of fear, distrust, cowardice, complexes or accommodation is to waste time and waste life.

relax! There are things in life that lead time and others that time takes.

Think about it: In life, it is never a waste of time if you can learn something.

Time is the mail of life, it will bring everything that is intended for you.

Never make a draft of life and then pass it to clean. Maybe you have enough time to do it!

It is not the time that heals all the wounds of life, it is love.

In life, what is really time does not erase. He eternalizes.

Let time teach you that the falls strengthen, that winds lead you, and that life shapes you the way you want it. Don’t try to understand … Try to live!

Life goes on in the blink of an eye. Yesterday, I was an innocent child. Today I am a confusing adult. And tomorrow, what will I be?

Life goes by very fast to waste time on bad feelings. Love the people who treat you well. Pray for those who don’t do it.

Life goes by and we don’t even notice. Love while it’s time!

In times like these, what will be, will be, and so go. There was always smile and cry, born and die. And they will always have stops and trips, fast and slow …

The bad news is that time flies. The good thing is that you are the pilot.

The train of life does not wait, be you a fleeting or observer. Therefore, the important thing is to live – here and now – and seek happiness in the simplest things of everyday life. And to bring even more inspiration to face the challenging moments of everyday life, see here the best quotes of optimism and wisdom of the week.

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