45 messages of wisdom from God to understand His purposes

The heart of man is full of doubts and fears. And for every question, God, in his infinite mercy and wisdom, always has an answer. If you are distressed and thirsty for his words, the tip is to check out these quotes of God’s wisdom that will help you better understand all the purposes of the Lord

God’s wisdom quotes that will bring you even closer to Him

Everything happens in time and according to his will. Trust and wait for your infinite wisdom.

How happy the men of your court, who are continually before you and hear your wisdom!

The fear of the Lord is the principle of wisdom; All who fulfill their precepts reveal common sense. He will be praised forever!

True wisdom is divided and guides our steps on the way of God.

Since in the wisdom of God, the world did not know him through human wisdom, he pleased God to save those who believe through the madness of preaching.

But the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure; Then, peaceful, lovely, comprehensive, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

sir, fill me with your wisdom, guide my steps and don’t let anything shake my faith.

wise man is the man who follows the way of God and all his wisdom.

Sometimes we do not understand God’s purposes in our lives. But he is merciful, wise and always acts in the right way.

Praise be the name of God forever and ever; Wisdom and power belong to it.

The fear of the Lord is the principle of wisdom, and the knowledge of the saint to prudence.

Being Fearful to God is the attitude of the wise who trust and give their lives into His hands.

Wisdom comes from prayer, faith and silence with God.

May God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy can forgive us in all our failures and imperfections.

God has wisdom and power; To it belongs to the Council and the understanding.

Seeking Divine Wisdom is to feed the soul.

To the only wise God is given glory forever and ever, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

God’s actions always have a purpose, even if we do not understand in the beginning.

May I lack everything but God’s wisdom.

How many are your works, Lord! You did them all with wisdom! The earth is full of beings you created.

By his wisdom, the Lord threw the foundations of the earth, by his understanding set the heavens in place.

No human intelligence comes to the feet of God’s wisdom.

God’s plans and actions are much greater than any human understanding. We can only trust your wisdom.

Human intelligence quenches the intellect. Divine wisdom feeds the soul.

Intelligence is true only when guided by God’s infinite wisdom.

Great is our sovereign and tremendous is its power; It is impossible to measure your understanding.

For the Lord is the one who gives wisdom; of your mouth proceed to knowledge and discernment.

God is wise and merciful, for this forgives the sins of men and calls us to live with Him.

Let God guide your steps and your plans, for from Him comes all the necessary wisdom.

Those who do not find answers in divine wisdom to their problems do not have the strength necessary to face the days.

All my life I put in the hands of God, for he is wise and knows what he does.

Human philosophy will never surpass the infinite wisdom of God, which overflows love and justice.

All the answers you seek are in God’s wisdom. Let him know his doubts and calm his heart.

In your heart, man plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.

Just look around us to observe divine wisdom. Perfectly of each living being, every morning that begins and that every life that is born.

ignorant is the man who does not seek the wisdom of heaven.

To acquire knowledge, you need to study, but to be wise you must have faith in God.

God’s knowledge goes beyond any attempt at human understanding. There is no way to rationalize, just feel.

silence your heart, pray to God. This is where you will find all the answers you need, because wisdom comes from Him.

For the Lord gives wisdom; of your mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Do not afflict, for God is wiser and godly than men.

Take the Word of God and also spread all your wisdom.

A heart that finds answers in God’s wisdom is always at peace and full of love.

God gave Solomon, wisdom, extraordinary discernment and a scope of knowledge as immeasurable as the sand of the sea.

But if someone has a lack of wisdom, ask God, and he will give because he is generous and gives goodness to everyone.

God always knows what he does, even if sometimes we do not understand. And to never lose your faith, be sure to check out amazing quotes hope in God.

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