45 farewell messages from work with lots of companionship and gratitude

Changing is always a big challenge. It is the need to leave our comfort zone and face a new routine, with new people and tasks to be fulfilled. To facilitate the moments of departure, we have selected for you to quote work farewell to all your colleagues who lived and kept present in your daily life. Check it out!

Work farewell quotes that convey a lot of affection to their colleagues

You were my daily life, the perfect presence that turned my day at work. I will miss everyone very much!

From jokes to serious moments, you were present. I will miss each of you, my co -workers.

I will never forget all the teachings you gave me. I leave here with the certainty that I lived the best years of my life.

It’s time to run after new challenges and achievements, but you will be forever in my memory everything we live together.

I will always remember the breaks for coffee, the post office exits and, especially, the companionship we have had throughout all these years.

You taught me to love my profession and now I have the confidence I need to follow even more difficult ways.

I am very grateful for everything we live in. Finding a home where you work is an honor I could have with you.

It is not easy for me, to say to God to all of you. But make sure each one will be in my memory and has a place reserved in my heart.

This company has accompanied me from the first moments of my journey, helping me to be able and supporting me in all decisions. I will miss you all.

I go out with my heart today, but with the certainty that the doors will always be open to me.

I thank my co -workers for always being willing to help me and support. I also thank my bosses, who had confidence in me and saw that I could arrive far away.

Thank you for all the teachings and for the hours together. But now it’s time for me to walk my own way.

Changing jobs is not easy. We left behind a routine, habits and people we know. I will miss everyone!

Life puts us new opportunities and depends on us, having the courage necessary to follow them. Thank you for everything!

Nothing is forever in this life, regardless of how beautiful the phase we are going through.

I’m going full of uncertainty, doubts and fears, but leaving our comfort zone is important to continue evolving.

Some may call a start, but I understand how the continuation of a journey that has not yet ended.

You were more than I could dream. Today we are no longer co -workers, but we remain friends for life.

In life, knowing how to face our farewells is as important as we face resumes.

I leave this door with many plans on my head, but with my heart full of longing.

send a message. We will mark you leave. We will talk about dreams. I may be leaving work, but my friendship for you is still intact.

No place will have coffee as tasty as yours. I will miss everyone!

Being so hard to say goodbye to you, it is the concrete proof that here has become home to great friendships.

It hurts for me to say goodbye to you all. You were my support and now it’s time for me to walk my own way alone.

A friendship that resists everyday stresses, accounts and a rigorous routine is able to face any distance.

I believe that companionship and good-convert in the workplace were essential for me to have grown professionally. Thank you for everything!

A big hug for everyone. I hope we can find ourselves on future opportunities.

I wish for everyone much professional success. Here are people with great growth and progress capacity!

It seems yesterday I arrived at this company. After so many years, I leave it renewed and much more evolved.

I will miss everyone here. I leave my deep admiration for the work of each and for the professionalism that is in this company.

I feel that I evolved and learned everything I could in this company. Now it’s time to seek new knowledge for me. Thanks for everything!

When I arrived here, I did not imagine that I would spend such satisfactory years. But, like everything in life, this phase came to an end.

I come today to leave my goodbye to all of you. I hope life gives us the opportunity for reunions.

Over this period, I grew up with this company. It is with the heart in the hand that I follow another way!

realizing how much we have advanced over this time is very rewarding. I thank the whole team for everything we live in. The time has come for you to follow without me.

we have been going through crises, disagreements, but also for many victories. It was an honor to have participated in all this with all of you.

I leave here without fear or fear, because I see in all of you ability to walk alone and very successful.

It is with sadness that I see my empty table. However, I am gone with memories of everything we spent together.

I already miss you. From the warm hug I get every day from each and the support they always gave me. I will always have you in thought.

If it wasn’t for you, I would never have gotten the opportunity of my dreams. Thanks to all!

In our life, we face many journeys. Unfortunately, mine ends today with you. But the teachings I had will be eternal.

It is with great sadness that today I say goodbye to you. I apologize if I hurt someone or do with lack of education. From now on, restarts.

I may be leaving work, but whenever you need it, I’ll be here. Whether for an outburst, advice or a hug!

These are difficult times like this we understand that to get new things, we need to let others go.

You are very important to me. Each of you. I never felt so well working in a place as here. To you all, my eternal affection.

Changing jobs is not always easy, but only then do we have new opportunities. Get ready for this new phase with work motivations at work!

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