40 messages to calm the heart that are like a hug

Difficult days haunt everyone. Impossible to find those who do not have distressing and complicated moments sometimes. And if you are going through something like this, the tip is to take a deep breath and read these quotes to calm your heart. Once you are calmer, take the opportunity to send to friends who also need a word of comfort.

Quotes to calm the heart that will bring you a warm in the soul

calms your heart. Everything that is happening is under God’s gaze.

try to remember what the world was like in its best days, expansive and brilliant. That world is still here and you can find your way back.

We are scared than hurt. We suffer more from imagination than from reality.

It’s okay to feel distressed sometimes, everyone goes through it. Take a deep breath and remember that nothing is forever.

You will survive and good things will happen again. And one day, maybe you look back and see that things weren’t that bad.

Life is made of cycles and if things now seem to be going wrong, know that soon this will change. Believe me, trust!

You are worth much more than your productivity. Remember this when you feel pressured.

Sometimes I forget how young I am. I have time. Enough time.

Look at the sky and realize the greatness. Calm your heart and trust. The impossible belongs to God and he specializes in making it happen.

You are capable of not themes. Breathe and calm your heart.

Stop comparing yourself with others, each has its own time and life story. You still have a lot of good to live.

Don’t be sorry for being distressed, everyone feels like this one time or another. Respect your pain and try to understand it.

calm, take a deep breath and repeat “God knows what you do. All my life is in his hands.”

You survived your worst days and have come here. Keep it in mind and always look forward.

I know that sometimes it seems difficult, but God has a certain and special plan for each for you. Ore and trust.

Do not despair. God acts in our favor and does not forsake those who trust him.

Hed, look into yourself, calm your heart. Mentalize what you need, happiness always finds a way.

calms your heart, everything that happens is under God’s eyes.

If you are reading this, everything will be well soon. Don’t give up.

It’s okay not to be well. Everyone goes through bad things and survives. You will be fine.

Have faith that God will turn their bad times into something good and wonderful.

Don’t despair, what you are seeking, seeks for you too.

If you need a friendly shoulder to cry or just be next door, know that I’m here. I will always be here!

God is seeing all this anguish you carry in your chest and know that he is preparing something amazing for you.

God does not operate in anxiety. Trust and rest. If it is to happen, at the right time everything will work out.

Sometimes it’s okay if the only thing you did on the day was breathing.

Don’t be afraid. I will sit beside you in the dark and wait for the light to appear.

Relax, calm down. There is still a lot of good things out there.

and if today, all you did was stay firm, know that I’m proud of you.

Do not rush your healing process. Do not pretend to be well when you are not. And don’t sorry for feeling broken.

Be kinder to yourself. You are a living being. A memory for someone. A home for life.

A reminder for the day: You’re going well and I believe in you!

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will be born.

Don’t worry, all the answers are in front of you. One time or another, you will see them!

Storms do not last forever. Wait for the rainbow.

Everything you are feeling now will one day go. Take a deep breath and let time do your role.

Everything passes: good and bad things too.

Don’t worry, some things take time. But believe me, one day they bloom.

Remember: be strong and brave, everything will be fine. Calm the heart at the right time, everything will make sense.

It is in silence that we find the peace and answers our heart needs.

Did you get lighter after reading all these beautiful messages? So, enjoy and check out these positive thinking quotes to read whenever you get discouraged.

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