40 messages of encouragement and strength for those who need daily encouragement

It is common to feel discouraged in some periods of life. The rush of routine, the overload of tasks and some events can make you lose your brightness in your eyes. Still, it is extremely important to be convinced about their potential and objectives. For this, check out inspiring citations of mood and strength that will awaken your joy and determination!

Citations of encouragement and strength that inspire perseverance and courage

Do not allow the storms of life to discourage you. Be strong!

Giving up will never be an option, so stay strong and don’t be discouraged. Everything will work out!

Learn to rest, as the side effects of tiredness cause discouragement and prevent you from seeing your strength!

If you want to gain something in life, it is necessary to maintain the mood, strength and courage even in the face of difficult times.

I hear your voice, God saying to me, “Be strong and brave. Do not have and do not be discouraged. I am your God, hide you in me”!

I say this so that, because you are united with me, you have peace. In the world you will suffer; But have courage. I won the world.

CORRECT, my friend! The strength you need is inside you just waiting to be put into practice!

dreams have no legs, but you have. Run after your dreams!

When I think I got to my limit, I find out that I have the strength to go further.

Even when you no longer have the strength to continue keep your mood. A smile can take you far!

Don’t stop believing, cling to that feeling.

The difference between a successful person and the others is not the lack of strength or knowledge, but in will.

With a hint of mood and a bit of strength, we arrive far away!

recognizes the fall and does not discourage. Raise, shake the dust, go around.

Believe me that you can, so you are already halfway.

Battle is difficult, but don’t be discouraged, no. Rescue the strength in you and follow fighting!

The world out there may want to make you give up, so keep your mood and be strong. Your success just depends on you!

Do not say that victory is lost, if it is battles that live life. Try again!

God honor those who do not give up and remain strong and excited when passing through the valley.

I take a sip of strength at breakfast and seen the mood before leaving. And so I go on life between obstacles and victories!

No one is weak! Some people just haven’t discovered how to use courage and strength in their own favor.

As long as you let discourage stand out your strength, you will not be able to conquer what you want so much.

Do not be discouraged, tomorrow is a new day. God has a new story and is a beautiful story. Keep the faith!

Strive, and have good mood!

The force accompanied by mood makes a person unbeatable!

courage and strength do not live in words but within you, in attitudes. Sew in your heart that you will find!

No disgust or discouragement; If you have just failed, start.

When you don’t know what to do, use your mood and strength as the final card.

Faith renews the mood and strengthens even the most fragile souls.

discouragement is dangerous. It hinders your evolution and makes you believe that you are not capable. Be strong to combat it!

You need to have a mood and strength to run after your dreams. Otherwise, nothing happens!

and let us surely have the difficulties already overcome that there is no harm that lasts forever.

Stop wasting time with discouragement and use your strength to get where you want. Mourning will not take you anywhere!

In the midst of darkness, use courage and strength to illuminate the way.

We see what we want, then, cheer up and please see your strength!

try to support with the mood everything that needs to be done.

You are able to make a difference, just do not discourage and follow safe from your strength and determination!

Don’t let anyone underestimate your strength, not even you when you are discouraged.

If life is what you do it, make your well of mood and strength!

Never doubt your ability. With mood, love, strength and persistence, you will conquer everything you want.

Life’s support is the good mood and belief that you can always go beyond! By the way, if you want to keep optimism in your days, also check out these quotes of positive affirmations full of boldness and courage!

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