40 messages about flying for those who love to feel freedom

On stormy days, let yourself dream and see the wonders of life. Fly towards your goals, yearnings and delight in the view on the way. To reach increasingly high flights, check out a selection of flying and get inspired quotes!

Flying Quotations that will make you dream loud

Traveling is the simplest way to learn to fly.

The more we raise, the lower we look in the eyes of those who don’t know how to fly.

We learned to fly like birds, and to swim like fish, but we do not learn to live as brothers.

I flew through this blue sky. I walked roads from beyond. Where will you be honey? Where are you? In clouds or foolishness …

Until the dawn is whatever God wants. I flew … I flew to my love to find and, when I kissed your face, the moon came to admire us.

I flew into me, I flew – I find peace!

I flew. I flew loudly as only the condor, seeing stars of the pleasure of our love. Together with me, you also flew!

When I created wings, I flew. When I called me, I came. When I found myself, I was here. When I thought, I lost myself. When I saw you, I fell in love.

is that I have a flying kite soul. She gave me line and then flew. Loose by the sky, I want to know nothing!

To be free is to have wings and fly away from everything that makes you stuck.

I flew with pleasure in the heaven of Anil. With you by my side I will fly.

Give those you love: wings to fly, roots to go back, and reasons to stay.

I flew too much time. Let me land on you!

Freedom to fly on any horizon, freedom to land where the heart wants.

All that is needed to perform a smooth and easy flight is to fly loose and carefree.

and I flew so high like a hawk, but now I’m back here to my backlands!

In your spaces, flying, I flew. I went around the world when I met you. It was like the meeting of the sky and the sea, the sun and the moon to date.

Made a bird, I already flew everywhere. Searching, hallucinated, a Colinho to lie down.

I flew very loud, more than I imagined, to get to you. Far beyond what I dreamed – I flew without thinking!

I flew with love and touched the sky.

With her, I fell in love, faithful like a hawk. For seven seas, I flew. More than seven loves loved it. More than seven lives I spent and, at 21, I found you!

I flew, on the wings of longing, I traveled. Throughout the universe I searched and found you inside me.

You will find freedom to fly. You will find freedom to dream!

I can’t love to love. I can not live a lie. I don’t know how to fly with the ground. I am always myself, but surely I will not be the same forever.

feet, why do I want them, if I have wings to fly?

If I have wings, I know the sky is my place. I just wanted to fly!

flies, fly my freedom. Enter, if I serve as a home. Let me fly at your height!

Each takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

For those who are determined to fly, not having wings is just a detail.

Beautiful is when someone chooses to land beside you, even being able to fly.

Never allow anyone to cut your wings, narrow your horizons and take the stars from your sky. Never let your fears be bigger than your will to fly.

As I fly down to my goals, nothing more can hold me.

The freedom to be who we are is like flying, gives us wings and makes us go further.

Paradise is a few steps from us. Allow yourself to feel, fly, transcend yourself and then see you.

I want the freedom to fly, where and whenever you want, in search of my dreams and yearnings.

Reading is like traveling: the mind handles high flights in the most amazing corners of imagination.

I observe the serene flight of birds and promise myself that one day I will feel it too.

Free from the ties of my mind, aljo high flights to places of peace and tranquility.

To embrace our mistakes and defects is not to make them diminish or disappear. It is using them as a force to fly even louder.

When I’m on a plane flight, one of the moments I love most is to see the sea from above, mixing with the clouds and the sky. Life is infinite!

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