40 Funny Monday Messages to Get You Through the Week

The beginning of the week always works as a test to know how we will come out. Will we have quiet or more challenging days ahead? When in doubt, we have selected the best funny citations of Monday that will help you deal with a good mood with everything to come. Check out our suggestions below and share your favorite!

Funny Monday quotes for a week with good humor

Monday is so bad that not even first option of the week she is.

To enjoy a Monday, just on vacation!

Worse than a Sunday end is a Monday coming…

New Olympic mode: survive another Monday!

Thanking on Monday, but wishing Friday arrive quickly!

Monday: Day of leaving the laziness aside, pretending to resume projects and giving up everything at once!

I just don’t believe in a better tomorrow, because tomorrow is Monday!

relaxes, today is still Monday… From tomorrow, everything gets better!

No words to define how I feel on Monday…

Monday, World Day: No one deserves it!

Monday with … longing for the weekend!

If Monday were a person, it would be that enemy we fear so much!

Plans for this week: survive on Monday!

Monday, when someone tells you “good morning” and you answer: who?

pretending that today is not Monday…

Being alive on Tuesday means you survived Monday.

Monday?! But yesterday was Friday!

If the second did not exist, I would hate the Tuesdays.

Some suffer for love, I suffer because it’s already Monday.

I bring bad news: tomorrow is Monday!

Run, that here comes Monday again!

Friday night, forget all the problems. Monday, remember all the problems.

nobody posts “followed”, right?! Funny…

Monday again?! Now every week is this clowning?

“Tomorrow is Monday!”. I said little, but I hurt a lot.

Every Monday is the beginning of a new cycle… to pass anger!

Waking up early because Monday makes you more willing, willing to go back to bed!

Monday there is always a taste of want more, I want more to pass soon!

sleep early, we don’t sleep, but it’s every regret on Monday!

It’s not lazy, it’s Monday…

God should have rested on Monday…

I am convinced that God gave us Monday to punish us from the things we did on the weekend.

I am not psychologically prepared for Monday…

I don’t complain about Sunday, because without him we would already be on Monday.

The only good thing on Monday is to be the day far from next Monday!

Monday should be part of the weekend.

Time forecast for Monday: Sleeping and laziness blows during the day.

message for those who give me good morning on Monday: I have killed for less.

Starting Monday with the strength of hatred.

There are people who are equal to Monday: no one supports, but they are required to bear.

With the help of good mood, your days can start much lighter. So, see also our good week quotes and guarantee a lively and energy -filled routine!

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