40 fake status messages that are great for sending that hint

Nothing more boring than having to deal with falsehood, isn’t it? And even worse is when it comes from who you least expect. If you are that kind of person who does not swallow frogs, then this list with falsehood quotes for status is perfect! Choose your favorite and already use to send that indirect.

False citations for perfect status for those who do not have a lock on the language

empty people occupy their time talking badly about those who thrive.

Not everyone you consider has the same consideration for you.

Time unmasks appearances, reveals lies and exposes character.

evil is a correspondence that always returns to the sender.

has a lot of false complaining of falsehood.

People’s actions say everything you need to know about them.

It’s that saying, right: you have to laugh not to assault.

It is no use pounds of knowledge if you have grams of attitude.

tears are not arguments.

Save me from your falsehood and I will save you from my lack of education.

Carnival has passed, but there are people who are still wearing masks.

The devil can cite the Scriptures when it suits him.

Sometimes you need to “unfollow” in real -life people.

Falsehood is not intelligence or cunning, it is deviation of character.

Don’t envy me, get over it!

Who is everyone’s friend is friends with anyone.

If the carapuça did not serve you, let me know that I change.

Who saves the wolf, sacrifice the sheep.

The world is real, people are false.

Life will teach you that not everyone is your friend.

You are Cobrinha, honey. I am a snake created!

But it’s that saying: there are things that are deliverance.

Hi, cute, sorry, I didn’t know. Is that you are blocked here.

Life goes around and people overturned in their own crooked steps. Remember this.

karma always charges double. Yours is coming and it is better to be careful.

I don’t even take care of my life, but there are people who are the way it is!

I am not what others suppose. I am what I do and build.

Life is too short to waste time with insignificant people.

Talking behind the back is very easy, right? But then see me head on and look away.

Children’s attitudes should be in kindergarten and not in adulthood.

Life always charges what we do to others. So I don’t even worry.

Termination that are a sign of the universe for us to stop being muggle.

Envious like to take care of the lives of others, because theirs is very boring.

real life could offer the “Mute” option in some people, right?

Closed mouth does not enter fly, dear. Put this on your head.

Ideally, all people knew how to love, so much that they know how to pretend.

For the logic, I do not please everyone and, by my will, I do not make a point.

Poornesses are the greatest consumerists of the vital energies of others.

The false gets along well with everyone, the real no.

Don’t be afraid of the enemy who attacks you, but the friend who hugs you.

Was it even more relieved after reading all these messages? Enjoy and also check out these quotes about lies to never fall into one.

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