40 evangelical wedding vow messages that convey your love

Marriage is a great dream of the Lord for reflecting spiritual union with Him. Therefore, God rejoices very much when a couple decides to take this step in the relationship. On the day of your marriage, declare your love and ask you to lead your steps. For this, check out quotes for evangelical wedding votes and firm promises that will accompany you for a lifetime!

Quotes for evangelical marriage votes full of God’s promises

I know it was God who united us and I know he will be present in our entire relationship. I love you and promise to love you forever.

From now on, we will be one in Christ and form a blessed family. I will always be your best friend, your companion and your love.

Our love will overcome tribulations and we will always have the strength of Jesus to defeat difficulties. Together, we will always be happy.

It is you for whom I prayed for so long and it is you who God gave me to love and respect. I’m looking forward to the future he has prepared for us.

God will be our North and will bless us daily. We will be strong because it will strengthen us and is the firm rock of our relationship. In front of everyone, I declare: I love you!

This is my great dream and God was faithful to realize it: uniting you is all you always wanted. I promise to love you and fight for our family!

I always prayed to find you. I asked God to take care of you before meeting you. It’s so beautiful to see how faithful he was. I love you!

I am sure God has united us and that He will bless us every day of our marriage. In a world of uncertainty, I have no doubt that you are the right person for me.

I knew from the first day you were the person God had chosen for me. And I know we will be very happy because he was and will be at all times until eternity! Wherever you go, surely, I will!

I promise to love you, hear you, pray for you and you. I promise to be the person you deserve and have God as the center of everything we do.

Our story began so beautiful because it was written by God. To him, I am grateful to have found you and to be able to call him my love.

I look at you and see how faithful God was. You are much more than I dreamed. I promise to love you and always be by your side all our lives, add God’s presence in our history always reminding you: if we get here, it was because he wanted and I want everything by his side.

We are starting another phase of our history with God’s blessing. May He be always present in our decisions, our daily lives and our home.

God is uniting us forever. I make this commitment to you and him: I will love you as long as I live!

We are now one. One body, one flesh, one love. May nothing disturb our union and that God fills us with patience, wisdom and faith every day.

Our love will survive the most diverse struggles because God will be with us strengthening us. I love you and I will always love!

It is you the one who understands me, teaches me so much and gives me strength. It is to God that I am grateful to have found you. I love you!

We are starting our family and I believe in a beautiful future for us. After all, it is God who is taking care of everything and took care that we arrive here. I love you!

As long as I live, I promise to love. I promise to seek God by your side, walk in faith with you and row toward happiness!

I accept you as my life companion, of faith and ministry. We will serve God together and He will bless us all our lives.

I consecrate our union to God and I know that He will bless us. I give our love to him and I know that he will give us a long and happy life.

Today, I make the promise of loving you, listening to you and making you happy before God and everyone we love. You are who he chose for me!

I have always asked God for a companion to be tenderly to Him. I am grateful to the Lord for giving me and listening to my prayers.

An entire life of happiness awaits us because this was God’s promise to us. I love you and I will love you infinitely, my love!

We will follow firm in the promises of the Lord and fight for our home, our faith and our love. I promise to be the person you have always dreamed of.

It will not only be easy moments, but with you by my side, I know we will win. God will bless us every day, my love. I have faith in this promise, just as I had faith that one day I would find you.

I want and I will love you forever. I believe God has united us and will help us remain together. I promise to respect you and always be by your side.

God has united us and will bless us. We will have peace, harmony and love in our home. May we live this beautiful happiness that comes from marriage.

Our marriage was born of God’s dreams and this is the guarantee that we will be together forever. I love you!

It is you who hear me, who prays with me and for me. You are the one I love and I want you to be with me until the end. May God bless us always!

Our love was inspired by God. We are the reflection of your faithfulness. I promise to seek the Lord by your side all our lives.

My promises are of love, patience, understanding and happiness. Seal each with the blessing of God, my love!

From today, we will be husband and wife and build a family. May God bless us and guide our steps always closer to Him!

God has already written our story and we will live it following the way He has traded to us. I love you!

I was born to love you and to serve the Lord by your side. He will bless our marriage and our ministry every day.

I will never doubt our love and that this is a dream of the Lord. I promise to always be faithful to you and all that God has promised us.

This day is a lot of prayer. This day is proof of God’s love with us. I promise to love you, hear you, respect you and make our wedding increasingly happy.

Our love is the answer to all my questions. May God bless us, strengthen us, and give us a lot of joy in our life that begins today.

I trust and I believe it was God who united us. He always knew that this day would come and we would become one. May our life be guided in the love of Him!

I promise to fight for happiness by your side, I promise to always hear God’s direction and live with you a life that pleases the heart of the Father!

May the promises made on this day be fulfilled in your life! So that the Lord will bless this union further, check out evangelical marriage quotes and build a happy and love -filled life, especially God!

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