32 quotes by Frida Kahlo full of pain, power and love | messages, wishes and quotes

Frida Kahlo carried within her the pain and delight of her artistic ability. The Mexican painter, recognized for her political and cultural positioning, moved and revolutionized art and the feminist movement. And to pay homage to this great name in women’s history, we selected inspiring quotes by Frida Kahlo full of love, intensity, pain and power. Check it out and share your favorites!

Straight to the point:

Feminist quotes by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo explored issues of identity, gender, class and race in her works. With its strong positioning, it soon became a symbol of the feminist movement. Check out some of his best quotes below!

I am my only muse. The subject I know best.

Fall in love with you. For the life. Then, by whoever you want.

If you want me in your life, put me in it. I shouldn’t be fighting for position.

I am disintegration.

Beauty and ugliness are a mirage, because others always end up seeing our insides.

I used to think I was the weirdest person in the world, but then I thought: there has to be someone like me, who feels bizarre and imperfect, the same way I feel.

I need to fight with all my strength so that the small positive things that my health allows me to do are directed towards helping the revolution. The only real reason to live.

What doesn’t kill me, feeds me.

Frida Kahlo quotes about love

Known for her intensity, especially when it comes to love, Frida wrote a lot on the subject. Having loved and suffered a lot, her experiences made the artist express her pain and love through art. Next, his striking quotes!

Where you cannot love, do not delay.

If I could give you anything in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.

Can verbs be invented? I want to invent one: I heaven you, so my wings become enormous to love you without measure.

Always keep me in your heart, because I will never forget you.

Love is like an aroma, like a current, like rain. You are the sky that rains on me. And I, like the earth, receive you.

I love you more than my own skin.

I feel that from our place of origin we were together, that we are of the same matter, of the same waves, that we are in the same direction.

Choose someone who looks at you as if it were magic.

Sad quotes by Frida Kahlo

The life of the Mexican painter was not easy at all. Illnesses, accidents and disappointments in love are some of the aspects that marked her forever. As she herself stated, her art was crossed by pain. Check out his saddest quotes below!

I tried to drown my sorrows, but they learned to swim.

Pain is part of life and can become life itself.

And the feeling never left me, that my body carries all the wounds in the world within itself.

To wall in your own suffering is to risk it devouring you from within.

Diego, there were two big accidents in my life: the tram and you. You, without a doubt, were the worst of them.

I don’t want more or less love. I fought and suffered so much that I deserve something whole, intense, indescribable.

I think the best thing is to leave, go and not run away. May it all be over in an instant.

My painting carries the message of pain.

Frida Kahlo’s best quotes about life

Frida Kahlo was certainly a woman ahead of her time. His thoughts are valuable to this day and with such life experience, it is possible to learn a lot from his words. Below are the author’s best quotes about life!

Feet, why do I want them if I have wings to fly?

In the end, we can handle much more than we imagine.

There is nothing more precious than laughing.

I hope your departure is a happy one and I hope I never return.

Every tick is another second of life that has passed. He ran away and will not return. And since life is intense and has so many interests, the problem is figuring out how to live it.

I’ll be here as long as you take care of me, I talk to you just like you treat me, I believe in what you show me.

Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is an open door to intelligence.

Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything turns, everything flies and disappears.

That in each of the women there is a piece of Frida Kahlo. And may we know how to love as she loved. Also check out our quotes from great thinkers and reflect even more on life!

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